Ch. 17 Moments

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For the next couple hours we sat there playing Fifa. It was nice to be next to Harry. We were bonding more and I came to realization that Harry was really sweet under that tough look.

And I might just have ittty bitty tiny feelings for him.


After me and Harry finished our "couple" games of Fifa it was already midnight. Its safe to say that Harry creamed me. I was horrible at this game.

"I'm kinda hungry. Want anything?" Harry asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No thanks." I smiled.

"Ok. I'll get you a banana." He decided for me.

"Okay?" I laughed as he handed it to me.

"Just a tip. Never make eye contact with someone when your eating a banana. I learned that the hard way." He winked.

I placed the banana on the couch as I pulled my knees to my chest. "What are we doing tomorrow?"

"I dont know. We have a free day again. Maybe we can get up early and watch the sunrise." He said as he pulled my wheel chair over to the couch. "You look sleepy though."

"Yeah. I kinda am. I've never seen the sunrise." I mumbled trying to get in the wheel chair. "Thank you Harry."

"You dont have to thank me. I only got your wheel chair." He chuckled, but looked suprise at my comment.

"Not for just that." I laughed. "You all. You all helped me. I couldn't ask for anything better."

He smiled as he helped me in my bed. "Anything, anytime. Dont forget that." He said as he turned the lights off and left.

I tried to lay comfortably but just like every night my hurt ribs wouldn't let me. Eventually I fell asleep uncomfortably.

I opened my eyes to a bright light.

"Good mornin'" Harry said pushing my wheelchair over to me.

"What time is it?" I croaked.

"4:39" He said, casually.

"Too earlyyyy." I moaned. "Its still dark out for gods sake!"

"I wanted to watch the sunrise, but I didnt want to alone. Plus, you said you never seen a sunset, so I thought I would bring you out here, unless you wanna go back to sleep." He said sadly.

"No its fine." I said trying my best to get into the wheelchair. "Thanks." I smiled.

"No promblem." He said handing me a cup of tea. I smiled as I blew on it and took a sip.

"We never really showed you out here, we dont even go out here that much." He said openeing and unknown door to a balcony.

"Its beautiful." I grinned, "Why didnt we ever do this before?" I asked.

"I dont know. It never came up."

Me and Harry sat out there for another couple hours, every once in a while he would get up if I needed anything or he would get me something to eat, but I never finished it. I'm still on my 'diet'.

"How come we never see you eat anything?" Harry questioned.

"I do, you just never see me. I'm sneaky." I joked.

"Dylan, seriously." He said after laughing.

"You dont wanna know, its so boring. And depressing honestly."

"I wanna help you. I wanna fix it."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely sure." He confirmed with no hesitation.

"Well, in grade 8 I started getting bullied after a new girl showed up." I started as Harry intently listened. "Then, in grade 9 I started to cut." I said rolling up my sleeve.

Harry had a look of sadness on his face, I feel like he knew that would be coming.

"I cut on my wrists, and my thighs. After a while I stopped cutting my wrists, but my thighs are scarred with many marks." I said rolling up a little bit of my shorts to reveal my ugly scarred legs.

Harry took my wrist and kissed it, after a tear rolled down his cheek. "Why?"

"I dont know. It is really stupid." I mumbled. "So, after every single day being tortured at school, I still asked my self why they hated me. And I thought maybe I was too fat. So for days I didnt eat. When I did it wasnt a lot." I confessed. "I've attempted suicide twice." I said before breaking down in tears.

Harry did the same as he hugged me and said. "I'm glad nothing happened."

After our moment, and watching the sunset, we both headed inside to see the boys watching TV.

"You dont have to tell them, if thats what your thinking." Harry whispered.

"You sure?" I asked. "What if they get mad at me for not telling them."

"Are you kidding me? They wouldnt get mad at you!" He chuckled. "The only thing I'm worried about is our puffy cheeks, maybe they'll notice." He smiled.

"I dont know. I've gotta go to the bathroom though. I'll be out in a second." I said.

"You should sleep after." Harry recomended.

"Will do" I smiled wheeling myself down the hall.


I still cant believe she did all of that to herself. Shes so perfect, she has nothing to worry about.

Honestly, its her choice to tell the boys herself or not. I still think it could be a good idea to tell them. Its not my decision so I'm not gonna tell them. She's mad for thinking they'll get angry.

I sat down on the couch rubbing my eyes to make it look like I wasnt crying. "Hey." I mumbled.

"Whats wrong, Mate?" Niall asked.

"Tired." I lied.

"You seen Dylan? I checked on her but she wasnt in bed," Louis asked.

"Yeah, I woke her up a little earlier so we could watch the sunset, shes in the bathroom right now, but I told her she can go back to bed."

"Oh. Okay. Wanna play some fifa?" Louis asked.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna go to bed also, I woke up pretty early." I said heading down the hallway.

I cracked open Dylans door to see her snuggled up in her bed, eyes wide open.

"Hey." Her voice croaked as she patted the spot next to her.

"You ok?" I asked laying down next to her.

"Eh." She paused. "You?"

"I am, I'm just confused, I guess I am kinda sad." I answered.

"Im sorry. I really dont deserve to be here."

"What the fuck are you saying? I'm sorry, but your absolutley perfect, I dont know what you think is wrong with you, but everything about you is perfect. Honestly, I'm glad you got kidnapped or else I wouldnt have ever met you." I ranted.

"Your beautiful."

IM THE WORST PERSON EVER. Ohmygod I'm so sorry I havent updated in forever AND on top of this, this chapter is SO crappy. Ugh, I feel so bad. Anyways, Dylan spilled, and Harry was shocked, they had a moment, eh? c; So who do you ship? Comment below c: Also, I will be starting a contest soon, but not yet. Im still really busy with school so I'm sorry I wont be able to update much often, hope you guys liked this chapter even though it sucks ASS. c:/;c


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