Ch. 14 Willingly ripping my hair out? How about no.

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And every day in my bedroom I would block my screams and shouts with my pillow to make sure they didnt hear me, because they thought I had a perfect life.

But that was all a perfect lie.


I swung my feet over the bed, and I was about to stand up when I realized I needed my wheel chair. Damn, this is gonna be annoying. Its gonna be three weeks until I can stop using this.

I wheeled to the kitchen and drank a massive glass of water. I tried everything I could to fall asleep, but nothing worked. Eventually, all of my thoughts fled away and I fell asleep.

I woke up late, since I kept waking up. It was at least 11:30. 


I got back in my wheel chair and went to the living room, to find no one there. I could hear them all talking in the kitchen, but I chose not to go in there. Instead, I got out of my wheel chair and laid down  on the couch, grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. There was nothing on so I kinda just layed there, staring at the flashing screen.

Liam walked in and held my feet up, sat down, and put my feet back in his lap.

"Good Morning. Sleep well?" He asked.

"I guess. I woke up a couple times, I couldnt fall back asleep, but eventually I did. You sleep well?"

"Fantastic. We have a meet and greet today, wanna come?" Right as Liam invited me, I tensed up. The thought of how many cruel fans are out there that would destroy me to get to the boys. Yeah, no thanks. "I promise we'll keep you safe, its better than being alone isnt it? You can stay behind the table with us." He offered. 

"Thats like willingly letting people rip my hair out, Liam."

After a while I finally gave in and nodded my head. I guess its better than being alone again, I dont want anything like last time to happen.

"Good. Why dont you go change?" Liam asked, since I was still in Louis sweat pants and T-Shirt. 

"I dont really have any clothes." I admitted. I never wanted this time to come, for them to buy me anything.

"We have a little bit of time, wanna go shopping?"

"I'm fine I can go in this, right? I dont want you guys to buy me anything.." I mumbled.

"Dont be silly. What money do you have with you? American money wont do you any good, and what? Are you gonna stay in Louis' sweatpants for 3 months?" He laughed.

"I guess you have a point." 

"Yep I do," He said, lifting me up and putting me in my wheel chair. "Boys, Im taking Dylan to go shopping, if any of you would like to join? Ok bye." He said quickly.

"Wait! We'll come Liam!" All four boys said. Liam groaned, as if he was a dad taking care of everyone.

"More to watch, more trouble." He laughed.

"Hey! We're entertaining ok?" Zayn feigned hurt. 

"Whatever. Hurry up!" Liam chuckled. 

After Liam realized they needed disguises, we finally left. Our trip was quite short for getting quite the amount of clothes and shoes, toiletries, ect. They even bought me a new iPhone, which I thought was really over the top, and I told them not to, but they did anyways.

We got back to the hotel where I changed, and came back out. Then we left for the meet and greet. 

It was already 2:45 so we figured we might as well get lunch on the way, so we picked up some Mcdonalds, and then made our way to the venue.

When we were walking to the back door I could hear every compliment and insult thrown at me. To be honest. I didnt care anymore. There were nine year olds out there that had posters saying 'ROCK ME ONE DIRECTION'

What. Yeah I dont think One Direction will go for Nine year olds, but keep thinking that they will.

We finally managed to get inside, and I sat behind Harry and Lou. I tried to kinda hide, but most of the girls noticed me, some we're rude, but there were nice girls every once and a while.


I felt so bad for Dylan, she was like family now, and it hurt me to see her like that. Im just glad she's ok, and she'll get better around 3 weeks.

I dont know what they did with the guy who did this to her, but hopefully, they got him. I dont want Dylan to get hurt again. She really misses her parents, I can tell. And whatever friends she has back home.

Harry told her that as soon as we land in California she can go to the nearest phone booth, but she kinda shrugged, because she knows its gonna be aa while.

My heart breaks to see her both in emotinal and physical pain because I see her as a family member, and I feel like I need to do something to make her feel better.

But I know I cant.

And that crushes me inside.


The meet and greet did not go by fast. At least my hair didnt get pulled out yet. They were still signing posters, CD's, magazignes, shirts, anything. I heard the same thing over and over from the fans, I was so sick of  it, its safe to say I could barf. Haha, just kidding.

Some girls gave me the your-so-freaking-lucky look, or the omg-i-love-one-direction-im-crazy look, but most of them gave me the hahahahahahahaha-i-hate-you look. I just gave them the sorry-im-too--cool-and-hipster-and-your-only-a-ratchet-9-year-old look. 

Yeah I dont think I wanna come to one of these things again, no matter how much Liam tries to convince me, its not even over yet, I'm pretty sure there will be a chunk of missing hair on my scalp. God, I sound like a bitch.

I never thought I'd say this, especially in the hands of One Direction, but  I just wanna go home.

Guys, Im SO sorry that this is SO late and SO short, but I've been camping for 3 days WITHOUT FUCKING WIFI. FUCK THAT SHIT. Yeah, I was pretty much huddled in a corner, I think I was almost crossing the bridge to crazy.  So yeah, fuck camping.

I cant thank you enough for all the reads this story has gotten, I seriously would NOT expect this many reads, Im SO happy! Thank you all so much for the reads vomments and follows like holy shit.

Anyways, I have to go, I love you all! Oh, and I might edit this later so its longer! (:

Also, check out the trailer on the side made by @MyDirectionxx thank you!


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