Chapter 6: Trigger

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After Ally's jealousy I snuggled back up to Stevie. I felt comfortable, but since Ally woke me I had to stay awake, I couldn't go back to sleep.

"Princess, I love you. I love the fact your said I love you last night to us last night when I thought it would take longer. We will accept anything you say. I want you to know you don't need to call us anything your not comfortable with, we can wait for you. I want you to know I will love you like you were my own, even tho you act so much like me in general." She said assuming I was asleep, stroking my hair.

I had light tears in my eyes, it was one of those speeches that catch on your heart. I sat wondering what would happen if I never ran that day, if I never was gay. I felt more tears escape my eyes. It was something I couldn't control.

"Princess you okay?" Stevie must have felt tears land on her shirt.

"Y-yeah..." I said quietly.

"What happened?" She sat up.

"N-nothing. Its fine." I sat up rubbing the tears away.

"You can tell me anything. I promise I won't shout." I nodded.


"I promise." She put her hand on her heart.

"What would you have done if I didn't get hurt and just continued my run?" She gasped. I knew it was wrong. "I shouldn't have asked im sorry I will go to my room." I went to get up.

"I would have lived my day the same as all other days. I wouldn't even thibk about adopting unless something else happened." She spoke truthfully.

"R-really?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Yes, princess now come on we have to get your room done for guests." I furrowed my eyebrows confused. "We are having a sleepover tomorrow just for fun on your birthday. So we are all in your room sleeping, so we need all covers, blankets and pillows in there." I got excited.

"Who is coming?"

"A few of mine and Ally's close friends. 3 of them are from England. I know you will love them."

"Okay. I might watch Youtube later since I need to watch all my favourite youtubers as I never got to finish watching all of their videos."

"Who do you watch?"

"You most likely don't know them but,
Rose and Rosie, Bria and Chrissy, Shannon and Cammie, ElloSteph, GayWomenChannel and of course Carmilla."

"Whats Carmilla?"

"A vampire web series." I didn't want to tell her about the lesbian thing yet.

"Cool I might watch it later or we can do a marathon tomorrow at the sleepover?" I smiled.

"I think we need to eat. Im hungry." She smiled.

"So much like Ally, always wanting food. Atleast your not a horse like her. (Reference to Snapchat) So sure come on we need food since its..... 1:39? Oh wow."

I waited for Stevie to get up. She rolled out of bed. As she did I saw a hair tie on the dresser, so I took it and tied my hair so it was out of my face. Once Stevie sorted herself out, she grabbed my hand.

"Come on princess, lets go and see Ally, hopefully she hasn't burnt anything."

"Does she burn things?"

"Yeah. She isn't allowed in the kitchen without supervision."

"How often does she burn things?"

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now