Chapter 53: Day 11/12 of 14

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The doors opened and reveled Rose with a giant teddy and Rosie basically hiding behind them. I waved and smiled as Rose continued to make a scene.

"Awww Y/N!!! I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!" I rubbed my head as Sally growled.

"I suggest you sit your ass down before I throw you out of this hospital." I could help but laugh at Sally.

After Sally shouted I laughed and so did the others. Rose kept muttering things and hugged the teddy like a child. I giggled at her and she pouted, causing Rosie to kiss it.

"Stop pouting like a child." Rosie laughed.

"She mean." Rose playfully glared at Sally.

"Well I'm even meaner when I'm mad." Sally argued back.

"You not the Hulk." Rose stuck her tongue out.

"You know what? I give up on you two." Rosie said, sitting next to Stevie.

"And why did the doctor tell me that I have a annoying child coming?" Ally walked in.

"Wasn't me." Rose quickly defended.

"Of course." Ally rolled her eyes and kissed Stevie.

I coughed and Ally then relised. She came over and gave me my food. I opened it and I heard my stomach growl. Taking a bite the taste was amazing. I haven't eating so this is heaven.

"Enjoying your lunch?" Rose smirked.

I nodded not bothering to answer. Then Rosie laughed, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at Sally. She giggled and wiped something off my chin I then realised what happened.

Sally ate hers like 5 minutes before I finished. Me being me I threw my rubbish at Rose and then pulled the blanket up to my shoulders. Cuddling into Sally everyone awed, making me blush.

A nurse came in and that just ruined the moment.

"I'm sorry to innterupt but due to the hospital rules, you all have to go. Other than one parent who may stay." Well shit.

I didn't want to let Sally go. And I didn't want Stally gone. Brissy got up and left. Rose threw the teddy at me and she came and kissed my cheek.

"Enjoy your night." She giggled.

I nodded and they left. Sally went to go but I clung to her.

"Baby, I gotta go." I whined.

She reluctently got out and I felt a tear roll down my face. She kissed me and walked out. Stally followed, talking about who stays. I got so angry that I pulled out the needle. It hurt like a bitch but I didn't care.

I stood up and nearly fell. I followed her out, making about 5 nurses turn their heads. I ignored their chants for my names. I grabbed Sally's wrist and she pulled me into her. She held me as I nearly fell.

"What are you doing!? You're suppose to be on meds." She argued.

"I don't want you to go." I mumbled.

"Excuse me? Y/N?" I turned to the doctor.

"Go away. I'm not going." I growled.

"If the only way you stay is her then she can stay." I nearly squealed.

"Come on back to bed." A nurse came over with a wheelchair.

Instead, Sally lifted me up bridal style and carried me to the room. She laid me on the bed then climbed in next to me. She placed her arm under my neck. I cuddled into her as someone walked in turning the lights off.

"Night baby." She muttered.

"Mhm. Night babygirl." I whispered into her chest.

Falling asleep didn't take long. Me in her arms was perfect. Her heartbeat was so steady and her legs were tangled in mine.

Waking up is never a good thing right? Wrong. Today I get to go back to the hotel. I wake up and notice I'm the only one awake. Stevie is passed out on the couch, while Sally is rubbing my back.

"Hey, you're up." The doctor walked in.

I nodded but put my finger on my lips she nodded and checked my sheets.

"You can leave whenever, but need parental signature." I nodded and she walked out.

"Who was that?" Sally asked waking up.

I looked up and she was rubbing her eyes like a 5 year old. I giggled and she kissed my head.

"That was the doctor. I can leave along as someone signs me out." I smiled.

"Then when you're out we can have a cuddle day." I nodded agreeing.

"Morning guys." Ally walked in with 2 drinks.

She woke up Stevie and handed her the other drink. I smiled and then told them about the signiture thing. After I mentioned it they both left, getting it all sorted. A male nurse came in and removed my needles and I whinced. He put a plaster on it.

"You wanna get dressed?" Sally asked.

I nodded sitting up. I swung my legs on the edge of the bed, standing up easily. I found some jeans and a shirt. I shot them on ignoring Sally glaring at me.

A few hours later we finally got back and decided it was an actual cuddle day. I vegged out on sweets and ice-cream. I brought my laptop and had Netflix on. Maybe today wasn't that bad?




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