Chapter 92: Secret Party.

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Me and Natasha were watching Ally get chased by people and her snapchatting it. We were sat on a wall, laughing as Stevie was talking to some fans.

"Y/N Y/M/N BOEBI-HILLS! GET DOWN FROM THE WALL!" Rose yelled causing me to lose balance.

The wall wasn't high but I fell off it. Thankfully, the greatest guy on Earth caught me. Danny!

"Thanks Danny." I smiled getting our of his arms.

"You're welcome kid." He laughed.

"Y/N! Save me!" Ally yelled running behind me.

She held my shirt and I tried turning but she kept a hold of it. I kept moving so some people couldn't get her.

"Y/N! Move out the way!" Some people yelled.

"Nope." I simply stated.

"Please." Next thing I felt was someone jumping on my back.

"Run." Ally yelled.

I grabbed her legs and began running. The crowd followed and people around us laughed. I span around giggling and then the crows lost us. I was inside now, a few people pointed and laughed at us.

We went back out and I felt Ally rest her head on my shoulder.

"Pretend I'm asleep." She whispered.

I nodded and a few people saw us. They ran over and they just stopped.

"Is she asleep?" Someone asked.

"Yes. I kinda ran then I walked. She fell asleep on me." I lied.

"Thats cute." A few people took photos.

After about 10 minutes I heard actual snoring. I furtowed my eyebrows, then Natasha came over.

"She actually did fall asleep babe." I groaned.

"Guys! Guys!" Rosie ran over.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"There's a party tonight? You all coming?"

"Y/N and Natasha can't. They are too young." Stevie said.

"Spolier." Rose said.

"Don't worry babe, we'll get in." Natasha whispered.

After about an hour Ally woke up and I informed her about the party. She told me that I could go if I didn't drink alcohol and didn't get caught.

I agreed and me and Natasha made our way to our room. It was next to Stally and I also found out some amazing news. It's down the hall from Sally.

I didn't know who she was sharing with but she was down the hall. Me and Natasha started looking for outfits. We eventually found some.

We decided to match I wore high tops while she wore the flats

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We decided to match I wore high tops while she wore the flats. She braided my hair then did her own. We wasted the rest of our time making a few videos. Then Rose and Rosie came over.

"NEICE!!!!!!!" Rose yelled tackling my onto my bed.

"AUNTIE ROSE!" I yelled back laughing.

"Rumour has it that you're going to this party." Rosie said.

"Yeah and we're gonna help you." Rose poked my cheek.

"What do I have to do for it?" I know they want something.

"You say yes." I was confused.


"We have an hour to kill." I nodded.

"Do you mind getting off me Rose?" I looked up.

"Nope. It's auntie Rose." I rolled my eyes.

"Please can you get off me auntie Rose?" I pouted.

"Ugh. Fine." She climbed off the bed and stood next to Rosie.

We talked for a good hour and a half. We knew that we should wait while my parents went down. I went out the door first with my aunites.

Waiting for Natasha, because she forgot something I bent down to do my shoelaces. Standing up I heard someone cough behind me.

"Y/N since I first kissed you, I knew you were different. You helped me accept who I am. We have been courting, I know we are old fashioned but I just want you to know that I don't think we deserve courting anymore. I want to ask, will you be my girlfriend?" I squealed.

"YES! YES! YES!" I yelled.

She picked me up kissing me and spinning me. I squealed again and kissed. She put me down and kissed me passionatly.

"Lets go love birds." Rose pushed my head.

"We're going." I grabbed Natadha's hand.

"Offically mine." Natasha rested her head on my shoulder.

We walked down the hall and waited for the elevator to come back up. We got in and Rose and Rosie were behind us holding hands.

"So, whats the plan?" I asked.

"We'll go in first. Wait 10 minutes and your mum will meet you here. She'll get you in then enjoy your night just stay away from Bria, Chrissy and your mom. Understand?" We nodded.

We got to the venue, Rose and Rosie got in. They allowed me in with Natasha but I told them I was to wait for my mother. We waited and 20 monutes later she came out.

"Y/N! Natasha! Come on." She laughed.

We walked in and some people greeted us. I laughed and me and Natasha never left go of eachother's hands. We saw Shannon and Cammie, said our hellos and explained that they can't tell Stevie.

About 3 hours later I went to the bar to grab two drinks for me and Natasha. I kept my eye on Natasha and then I heard it.

"Y/N?" Shit.


I went over to Natasha, dragging her out of whatever conversation she was in. Dragging her out Stevie was following. We made a run for it, eventually we got away.

"Hey, we should go to the roof and watch the fireworks." I nodded.

"Sure come on." We went in the elevator.

At the top floor we went to the staircase and made it to the roof. We did a little victory dance then I spotted some figures.

They were sat on the edge, just looking over. I walked closer pulling Natasha with me. I reconzied Sally. What is she doing with- Alexis?

They leaned in to kiss, I bite my lip but then I said something I regret but yet don't.

"NO!" I squealed.

Covering my mouth I realised what I did. Natasha looked at me. I was  completly utterly lost for words.

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