Chapter 12: First Date

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We finished shopping and found a ice- cream truck. We got ice-cream and then headed home. It took us a 3 hour drive as LA traffic is terrible. I took snapchats and vlogged a little. I messaged Sally aswell.

She is so pretty and sweet. We keep texting about Youtube. She isn't a fan of running, but she does like soccer.

Anyway, we arrived at the apartment complex, with a bag in each hand. We entered the building laughing and taking the mick out of eachothers accents. Halfway up the stairs I pulled my vlog camara out.

"So now we are basically climbing MT Everest, with shopping." I showed the bags.

"Y/N, it isn't that high, only 4 floors." Madison said back.

"Shhhh..... don't tell them that. They have to give sympathy!" I whined back.

We got to our floor and I heard yelling. We all looked at eachother, so me srill vlogging, decided to film. I opened the door first. I instantly closed it after what I saw.

I saw a banner, it said 'welcome to the family!'. I don't like surprises since the last one was pretty much the worst surprise ever. It was the phone call and the announcement of my mothers death. I can't deal with surprise actions, it reminds me too much of her.

I dropped everything, including my camara, which I hope didn't smash. I heard shouting coming from the others, I heard our door go. I ran eventhough I heard multiple footsteps running towards me.

"Y/N!" It was Chrissy.

I completly blanked her and ran out of the complex. My phone started to ring, I turned it off and ignored it. I wamted to be alone, and not interrupted. I raced down the street,I turned the corner. Chrissy is a fast runner, so she wasn't that far behind.


"Ow!" We both yelled.

I went to run again, but I was pulled into a hug.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" Sally!

"Ermm... going for a race with Chrissy. What about you?" I checked behind.

"Well, before you race, come here." She pulled me close.

I rested my arms on her waist. She places hers around my neck. She pulled me into a passionate kiss. We kept going, we didn't stop until we got interrupted. Chrissy coughed behind me.

"Babygirl, I gotta go. Bye!" I kissed her once more and ran.

She smirked and hit my butt, I did a little yelp. She laughed and I turned back and blushed. I turned back and ran. I kept running, then I found the normal route I run.

The shortcut!

I raced through the woods, I cut through the trees, knowing Chrissy couldn't follow. I remembered the trail les to the back if the orphanage. I saw the gap in the wall and went through it. I closed it on the opposite side and shook off all the leaves I gathered.

"Y/N?" I heard someone call behind me.

"Anna?" I turned around.

"Why are you here? Surely Stally still want you? Right?" I smiled.

"Of course they do. I wanted to grab the rest of my clothes and stuff. So I decided to come round. Also, Stally said I can stay here a little." She smiled and nodded.

"I put your clothes in storage as they needed the room, for Samantha's return." She got returned! Ha!

"Okay. I need it for my first date really." Her eyes widened.

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