Chapter 50: Day 10 of 14

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After me and Austin got talking yesterday I learned he was 19. Did not expect that but me and him are good friends now. We went to the cafe and talked more. He explained that he has a girlfriend who's older than him. We decided that today we should go out.

Thats exactly what we are doing right now. We decided to roam around the shops. Currently we are in Thorntons, it's a chocolate shop. I got a marshmellow stick. Which they thdn use the fountain to cover it in chocolate. Austin got a strawberry and marshmellow.

"Hey wanna grab some actual lunch?" Austin half said but half muffled.

"Sure. We can eat these while we think of somewhere to go." I shrugged.

We walked around. Both of us getting chocolate on our hands. We laughed at eachother then we walked into a little cafe. I ordered a sandwich thing and he got a drink.

We talked and came up with an idea.

"So since my girlfriend never lets me go out. How about we go on a double date?" I nearly spat my food out.

"What?" I was shocked.

"I know you told me about the whole arguement thing but I think you should invite her."

"Okay but what time and things?"

"How about.... I pick you girls up and we go to my families restraunt? My girlfriend will be there since she got kicked out of her old job. I'll bring a change of clothes for her."

"That sounds perfect. I just gotta get Sally to agree."

"But you two will sort it out. It's fine."


We finished eating and walked back to the hotel. When we got there we said our goodbyes and went sepretly. I walked to my floor and unlocked the door.

"Fuck." I heard someone whisper.

"Hello?" I got no reply.

I walked to the bed room and saw Sally sat on the bed. She had roses and my favourite sweets in hand. She looked adorable, and I know she hates that word but she was.

She was wearing a denim jacket, which replaced her natural leather. She had a black shirt on and black rip jeans. She looked so nervous.

"H-Hey Y/N." Awww she's nervous.

Wait. I'm suppose to mad at her right? How could I be mad at that face?

"Hi Sally." That was a little cold.

"I came to say sorry. I over reacted when your mom got personal. It's not a thing I do lightly." She looked down.

"Are you telling the floor or me?" I giggled.

"You. I missed you a lot. I actually haven't slept. I slept on the couch in my parents room."

"I forgive you. I mean you bought my favourite sweet and roses. I think I saw 15 roses right?"

"Yeah. 15."

"Why 15?" I asked confused.

"15 means I'm sorry."

That is the cutest thing ever. I mean the fact she bought exactly 15 surprised me. I mean she went to the effort so I should forgive her.

"Why are you sorry when I forgive you?" I smiled.

"You ready forgive me?" She looked half shocked.

"Yeah. Now, I think you owe me something." I smirked.

Adopted By Stally: (Stally/You)Where stories live. Discover now