Cleaning and Nicknames

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A/N More fluffiness :)

A week went by and Zayn grew closer to Niall. He felt the need to protect Niall from anything that the smaller boy wasn’t comfortable with. Zayn didn’t know why, but something about Niall made him so possessive.

Maybe it was the big blue eyes or Niall’s pouty lips. It could have even been the way he stutters when he’s nervous.

But Zayn was the best owner Niall had ever had. He was fed at least three times a day, which was way more food than he’s ever seen in his life. And thanks to the large amount of food Niall was taking in, he was up six pounds already, which made Zayn ecstatic. You could still see his ribs and hip bones, but surely it wouldn’t take much longer to get him back to normal weight.

Liam had gone to work earlier in the morning, around eight, and when Zayn woke up the first thing he did was check on Niall. Zayn padded across the hall and into the small living room where Niall was still sleeping peacefully. Zayn smiled before walking up to him and gently shaking his shoulder.

“It’s time to get up, Niall. It’s cleaning day so I need help so we can get it done before Liam gets back,” Zayn smiled once Niall’s eyes fluttered open. Once his eyes landed on Zayn he smiled and let out a sound of comfort.

“G’Morning, Zayn,” Niall smiled squirming to get to the top of the fleece blanket that he had grown to love. Zayn smiled and sat down next to Niall.

“Why don’t we get something in our tummies before we start cleaning,” Zayn smiled as Niall curled up next to him, letting out a small yawn. Zayn laughed softly before standing up, pulling Niall along with him.

“We can cuddle after all the chores are done,” Zayn poked Niall’s button nose making Niall giggle.

“Okay, b-but can we have eggies?” Niall smiled up at Zayn. Of course how could Zayn say no? He had legit puppy dog eyes coming from the sweetest boy who asked for absolutely nothing, which of course meant Zayn was showing Niall how to crack eggs the way he had the other morning.

“Just tap it against the side of the bowl,” Zayn said placing his hand over Niall’s on the fresh egg, “Make sure you get the side. It won’t break if you don’t hit it there.” Zayn brought Niall’s hand back and then gently tapped the egg against the ridge of the bowl, cracking the egg perfectly in two. “Pull them apart and make sure the egg goes into the bowl,” Zayn instructed.

Niall nodded, his tongue sticking out between his lips as he pulled the shell apart and the insides fell into the bowl. “I did it! Z-Zayn, I did it!”

“Good job, Niall! Now, can you do that three more times then we’ll mix the eggs,” Zayn patted Niall’s head before grabbing the carton of milk to make the eggs nice and fluffy – the way Niall likes them – and a bag of shredded cheese. Zayn walked back to where Niall had just finished cracking the eggs, surprisingly there were no tiny shell bits floating around, and set down the items.

“What are these? Oh, what’s this?” Niall asked grabbing the whisk and playing with the metal curves.

“It’s to mix the eggies. But first we had to pour some milk and cheese into it,” Zayn said as he handed the bag of mixed cheeses to Niall, “Just put some in the eggs. The more you put in the cheesier it gets.” Niall smiled and waited for Zayn to pour the milk in before dumping the whole bag in, surprising Zayn.

“Whoa! Niall, these are going to be some cheesy eggs,” Zayn tried not to laugh, but he couldn’t hold it in when he tried to mix the eggs and all he saw was cheese.

“W-What’s so f-funny?” Niall stuttered out, worry written across his cute, little face.

“Nothing, Niall, it’s just a lot of cheese,” Zayn smiled, holding in his laughter.

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