Chapter Twenty-One

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Niall was speechless after I explained to him what happened while he was gone.

"You had fallen for me...and I had fallen for you." Niall spoke barely above a whisper, yet so delicate.

"I guess I had without even knowing it."

"I knew you two did!" Louis shouted coming inside the kitchen. He tackled us into one of his group hugs.

"So whens the baby?" Louis asked playfully.

"Louis!" Niall shouted at him.

"When did you even get here Louis?" I asked to calm down the tension between the two.

"Near the end of story time, but hey your awake now." He replied.

"Louis William Tomlinson. That is my private information about my life and you shouldn't of been eavesdropping on me and Niall. You could always knock on the door." I stated while storming off to Niall's bedroom.

"Is she on her period or something?" I heard coming from downstairs spoken by Louis.

"Louis you know she can probably hear you right?" Niall spoke quietly to him.

"Well if she wasn't so mean and took off those stupid headphones, maybe she would have more friends." Louis spat.

"Louis she cant help it." Niall defended.

"She can get help for it! Its that simple Niall, she probably has them but wont take them."

They both kept going like this until I finally got tired of listening to them argue with each other.

"Just stop it both of you!" I yelled at both of them. " Your both friends you shouldn't be fighting like this, especially because of me." I said walking out of the flat.

* * * *
There was this place I used to go when I was younger. Located deep in the forest. Niall never knew about it,I like to keep it my own little secret.

When I was heading back I ended up getting lost. I also fell in a stream,so now I'm drenched.Eventually I found my way back to the flat.

* * * *

"Where the hell were you?" Niall asked when I got back around 11:30 pm, in my soaked clothes.

"A place." I responded casually.

"Yeah well what place, I've tried your cell like a hundred times. Why didn't you respond?" Niall asked quickly.

"The place is a place I used to go to a lot and I wanted alone time, and I obviously couldn't do it here." I stated while shrugging my shoulders.

"You were gone all day though, I was worried about you Autumn." He said taking my hands in his.

" I fell in a stream and im freezing, I think I stayed pretty safe." I said.

"Stay here." He told me as he walked towards his bedroom.

Moments later he returned with warm clothing for me.

"The bathtub is awaiting."

"Thank You." I said while walking towards his bedroom.

* * * *

"Warm?" Niall asked me when I walked outside of the bathroom.

"Very." I responded.

"Did you eat anything?" I shook my head. "Unless those pancakes from this morning count."

"What would you like to eat?"

"Anything sounds fine Niall."

He came back twenty minutes later with leftovers from Nandos.

"Here, you can eat this." He said handing me the plate of food.


* * * *

"How about a movie now that your finished eating?"

"Sure, what one?"

"Anything you'd want." He said while handing me the remote.

After endless scrolling I decided upon Lilo and Stich.

"Really this movie?" Niall had hated this movie with a passion when we were kids.

* * * *

"Louis didn't mean what he said you know." Niall said as I crawled into his bed with him.

"I know.It still hurt though." I said as pulled the cover above both of us.

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