Chapter Twenty-Three

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There was a moment in my life where all my life I wanted to be known to the world. Now that I have, it makes you realize what your missing back home. I was snapped back to my thoughts when my phone was ringing.


"I feel bad for that Niall kid who has to take care of you, let alone let you perform at his concert with your horrible voice." My father spat into the other end of the line.

"Is that all you called me for cause this conversation is coming to an end."

"No actually, you are to come home. You live with me now since of your mothers passing."

"I'm not coming home, I'm twenty years old." With that I hung up. When the phone began to ring again I didn't even bother to look at the caller ID. It continued to ring several times, until I could no longer hear it because a car drove right through the kitchen wall and backed out driving down the street again.

*Nialls Pov*

"Liam shes not answering her phone!"

"Maybe shes asleep or something." Liam said stating the obvious.

"Oh right."

* * * *

"What the hell happened."All four of us said simultaneously.

"Do you think she was in that room when that happened?" Harry said what I hoped wasn't what did.

"One way to find out." Louis spoke while walking towards it."

*Back to Autumns Pov*

"Louis and Liam go look upstairs I got down stairs with Harry." Niall said while looking through the ruble while none of them moved.

"Dude she's right there on the couch." Louis said while Niall got up and went straight to me.

"Autumn, you're freezing. Harry can you go up to my room and get her a pair of boots?" Niall asked him while he nodded his head and continued his way upstairs.

"Why didn't you call me?" Niall questioned me.

"It just happed like 5 minutes ago I thought you would be home in no time."

"Are you injured? Do we need to cancel the show?"

"No Niall, I can perform." I answered while Harry came back with a pair of boots and handed them to Niall. I took them from Niall and slid them onto my feet.

"Can we go, its getting cold in here?" Louis whined from the corer of the room. As we all stood up.

* * * *

In the dressing room the next day, my thoughts were swarming with the newest song I had added to my set list. What if I mess up the words? What if I miss a beat? What if I forget the whole chorus?

"You wont forget them." Niall said walking into the room.

"I said that aloud?" I questioned while turning around to face him.

"No, but you have that look of panic on your face."

"Is it really that noticeable?"

"For the moment yes it is. We have a surprise for you on stage though."

"What is it?"

"I said far to much you'll have to see when you go on."

I by far hated surprises. Even if it was like a gift. With my luck with surprises, this one would turn out just as bad only this was in front of millions of people.

One of the crew members handed me my ear ins and sent me to wait over by the stage for my cue to go on. He only spoke "Follow me." As we headed to a different side of the stage. "You may go on whenever ready." He said walking away, and as I walked towards the door. When I opened the door there stood my very own little stage with a pathway for me to get to it without any crowds. When I reached the stairs to the stage all the lights burst out.

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