Merry Christmas

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heyzz its me royalhunters18 a.k.a.Osha Royal and this is a holiday Grastu one-shot dedicated to Ethica_Bluee  Merry Christmas I hope you enjoy. by the way this is a modern day. also the italics are the character's thoughts.


(natsu's p.o.v.)

I sigh, making my way through the packed Christmas rush shoppers. Trying to get to work in this mess was so annoying. I look around again and huff in anger, when I've only made it a couple feet into the crowd. Well at this rate I'm going to be super late. I think to my self as I manage to push through a couple more people.

After a few minutes I manage to make it to the front door of the cafe that I hold a job at. Striding quickly towards the employee area, I fail to realize a costumer get up and start to intercept my path. It's already to late to say something when I run headlong into the person.

"Oww." I say rubbing my head. Looking up, I meet the dark blue eyes of a dark-haired male. He stares down at me. Oh, gesh. I'm a fudging shrimp. I think as I'm forced to look up for eye-contact due to my height.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles picking up a small book that I had dropped.

"It's okay." I mumble back excepting my book back. Our hands brush and I shiver a little. "I wasn't paying attention." Hurrying away, I leave the stranger standing there silent. And as soon as I escape through the kitchen doors, I release the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

(gray p.o.v.)

I stare at the kitchen doors across the cafe. Where the short, pink-haired teenager hade disappeared through. I sigh in boredom. Why am I here again?  I think to myself for the fifth time. Stirring my now cold hot chocolate I look up at the doors again.

"Wow, your actually here." A sarcastic, girl voice comes from behind me. I look up to see my blond friend, Lucy, standing above me. She sits in front of me after plopping a ton of folders on the chair next to her.

"Yes. And what are those for?" I ask pointing at the folders, while taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh, they're for a Christmas party." She answers me and pulls out her laptop.

"Oh... but isn't that in like 3 weeks." I groaned, fake slamming my forehead against the table. Lucy glared and slapped my across the back of the head, before going back to her laptop.

"You know you don't have to be such a jerk about everything. At least try to have some fun. And I'm inviting some of the new kids from school, too. " She sighed pulling out some papers.

"Well, I have no energy to care about what happens in my life. I don't need to deal with it. New kids. Really?" I ask the last part with a scowl and softly slam my head against the table. "UGH! Why me?!?!" I groan.

"Because, your sorry butt needs to learn to be more interactive. Like a normal person." Lucy drew out the last words out attempting to make me understand.

"Oh. Whatever." I replied waving my hand in the air a little to call over a waiter.

"Yes. How may I help you?" A calm, crisp voice asked from above me. I turned my eyes to see him. The cute, pink-haired boy I had run into when he rushed into the cafe. When I turned my head fully to look him in the eye he gasped a little. "It's y-you!" He exclaimed pointing a slim, shaking finger accusingly at me.

"You already know Natsu already, Gray?" A currently very-confused Lucy asked in surprise.

"Ah. Well not exactly. We sort of just ran into each other." I answer. The boy, Natsu, mumbles something that sounds something like, 'quite literally'. But I just mentally shrug and continue with my conversation with Lucy.

Merry Christmas, My Love. (Gratsu)Where stories live. Discover now