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 It was the beginning spring, the flowers were blooming, birds were chirping, and everyone was enjoying the warm weather. The whole Tenshi clan was outside doing their spring cleaning and yard work until the bells went off signaling that the head lady just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name was Kurayami Tenshi. She would soon be the most powerful and graceful woman of the clan. She had the Tenshi signature white hair and fierce red eyes. She would be the next heir of the clan. Unlike most clans, the Tenshi had a strong female society. They ran the village with their power, intelligence, and strength.

***Six Months Later***

 A screaming Kurayami awakes the whole household. Kari rushes into the baby's room and tries to sooth her. Kazuaki comes in right afterwards and rubs her soft, white hair.

 "Calm down now Kura. Shhh... It's okay now. You're father is here for you. Just relax." Kazuaki says in a very calm voice. Kurayami calms down and reaches for her father. He takes her out of Kari's arms and sits down on the floor rocking her.

 "DAD!!!!!" Shunsuke yells from his room.

 Kura gets upset and screams again. Kazuaki gives her to her mother and goes to see his son.

 "Dad!" Shunsuke yells again once he enters his room.

 "Yes Suke? Try to keep your voice down. You know your sister gets fussy when there is loud noises."

 "I want to go to the spot today! We haven't been there since before Kura was born! We used to go every morning... That was our spot." Shunsuke says upset.

 "You know what? Let's all go. You can show your sister your new jutsu."

 "Okay!" Suke smiles and rushes to grab his Sand forehead protector and gets dressed.

 Once they all get ready they go out to the forest. They weave through all of the rough terrain to get to a very secluded spot in the woods. This spot is hidden deep into beautiful cherry blossom trees and it is cleared out, grassy, and off to the edge is a huge cliff that has a beautiful waterfall pouring into the shallow lake beneath. Kazuaki was taken here as a child and he shared his childhood with Shunsuke and now he is sharing it with Kurayami.

 Kari lays down a big blanket and puts down a basket and Kazuaki starts to unload it. Kurayami is sitting on the blanket watching her brother climb trees without using his hands. She lets out a loud laugh everytime he falls making him upset. They all eat and enjoy their family time together. Shunsuke is playing in the water with his mother and Kazuaki is playing with Kurayami.

 Kazuaki notices heavy 'clouds' up above."Kari! Suke! It looks like there might be a storm headed this way. we should head back to the village. We all know how frightened Kura get when she hears thunder."

 "Awww! Dad! C'mon!" Shunsuke complains.

 "Calm down Suke, your father is right, we should go. Plus we don't want you to get a cold." Kari gives him a closed eyed smile and Shunsuke gives in.


So what do you guys think? Comment, share, correct my grammar and spelling!

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