Chunin Exams Part Two

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After Ibiki made the exception of having a two man squad more pressure is being pushed on Kura and Itachi from the other genin. They are confident in their abilities and are excited for the next round. The next day they are summoned to training ground 44.

"Alright! Listen up you rats! You've made it passed the first round I see. Congrats! But you all will soon be cut in half. Heh." Anko, the second exam mentor states. All the genin give her a startled look. "Okay this is called The Forest of Death. Here some of you will die while others will prosper. The point of this exam is survival. The forest is filled with plenty of food, just watch out for man eating creatures and poisonous plants. Each team is give a scroll, heaven or earth. The goal is to get both scrolls and make it to the main tower located in the middle of the forest. If you all can take one of these release forms, sign them, and give them to the people in these booths, they will give you your scroll. My last advice to you is don't die and don't be afraid to kill."

Kura and Itachi sign their release forms and give them to the people at the booths. In exchange they are given an earth scroll. They walk up to their gate and wait for it to open. They are given a final run down on what they are supposed to do, the gates open and they dart into the forest. They stop to rest and the tallest tree they could find and they climb up to the top.

"Hm, In a matter of two hours we are about half way to the tower." Itachi says and looks at Kura.

"If we stay in this area we can easily get a heaven scroll or even another earth just so there will be three less people that we will have deal with in the next round." Kura gets an evil grin on her face and chuckles.

"I like the way you think. Do you want to stay up in this tree for the night and set traps in the area and wait for the other teams?"

"Sure thing. Itachi you get food. I will do the dirty work."

"For being only 8 you sure are blood thursty." Itachi laughs and runs off.

Kura climbs down the tree and right at the bottom she places an invisible chakra string around a radius of 5 yards around the tree and every foot there is a kunai ready to stab. When she is done she almost instantly feels three other chakras around her. She lowers her chakra, to make herself appear weak, and pulls out her kunai. The three also spot her alone so they come after her thinking that she will be an easy target.

At the same time the three cross the chakra string and there is a delay of a short second. Kura dunks down right when kunai from every direction come flying at the trio. The didn't even have time to think. Before they could even scream they were pierced by over a hundred kunai. They all drop to the floor. Kura gets up and walks our to them with an evil grin she looks at the three and reaches out her hand. The only girl in the trio uses her last bit of strength and gives Kura their scroll. After that the three are dead.

At that moment Itachi comes back. He spots the four. He looks at Kura startled.

She looks at him disappointed. "They also had an earth scroll..."

"Ehh. At least we know that there is only going to be at the most 7 teams now." he gives her a smile and Kura sets the trap again.

They climb up their tree and the start to eat what Itachi gathered. He bought back a fish each, some berries, and fresh water. They lit a small fire and cooked their fish. Night had fallen and they decide to take shifts on sleeping. Kura goes to sleep first while Itachi stays awake. She is only 8 after all so she is cuddled up in his chest making him blush. An hour later he wakes her up and they switch positions.

Kura was using her heightened hearing to hear around. That's when she hears faint foot steps a mile away. She is on guard and with in 15 minutes she hears them closer. She could sense 6 people meaning two teams.

"They must be working together..." She thinks. She wakes up Itachi. "I hear two teams together. I'm going to get an aerial view." Itachi nods.

Kura uses a secret jutsu and beautiful white wings appear on her back she flies off and goes to the group of six. Using her raptor vision she exams the six. They are all from the Village Hidden in the Mist. She was right when she thought they were working together. They had stopped and rested they made a small fire and were eating. She notices three people pull out a scroll each. Two Heaven scrolls and one earth. She smirks. She decides to land on a tree and wait for the group to fall asleep. She sets up another trap similar to the last one except some of the kunai aren't aimed at people but at trees with paper bombs attached to them. Also the chakra strings are positioned in a random pattern right on top of the so if the move any bit they will be exploded.

When Kura thinks the time is right she flies down to one of the people who was carrying one of the heaven scrolls and she carefully pulls the bag from under the possessors head. His head hits the ground hard and she quickly flies up to a safe distance as the possessor crosses the chakra string causing the bombs to go off. She notices that everything and every one is burned to a crisp.

"Heh. Two more teams gone now." She smiles and goes back to the tree.

Itachi looks at her and laughs. "I take it that explosion was you?"

Kura undoes her wing jutsu and pulls out the heaven scroll. "Yeah I just destroyed two teams. They were working as a group. They had three scrolls together, two heaven and an earth. I took a heaven and well I destroyed the others." She laughs.

Itachi looks at her and smiles. "How about you get some sleep and I will wake you up in the morning. You've done enough work today."

She nods and falls asleep cuddled in his chest again. The next morning the two stay high up in the trees and start to head towards the tower. Occasionally Kura would fly to high above the trees and see how far away from the tower they are. Finally the two reached the tower and they enter it. They open their scrolls and out comes their old sensei from the academy.

"Oh! Hello there you two! I'm not supprised to see that you two passed! It's really early in the game though. Not even a full day has passed. You are the first group to make it here. Alright aside from all of that next month is going to be the final round of the chunin exams. You will be doing hand to hand combat with everyone here. You may even face each other in this next round. The winner will become a Chunin and of course anyone else the Hokage thinks showed enough strength and skill in the final round will also be made a Chunin. My advice to you to is that you practice with all your might and give it all you can in the next round! Good luck to the both of you!" The two look at each other and nod knowing what is to come.


Yeah I've been told I'm demented... Comment! Share! Correct me! :)

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