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***Two Years Later***

Kurayami is now two years old and she is now walking normally with out any problems.

"Kura, you have gotten so big!" Minato had just got back from a mission. He lifts her up making her giggle.

"Minato!" She yells overjoyed to see him.

"Welcome back." Kushina smiles at him a gives him a hug and a kiss. "Kura wants to show you something." She stands Kurayami up and Kurayami starts to walk effortlessly towards Minato. He looked shocked.

"Well now Kura." He touched her nose making her blush. "Now that you can walk, you can start training!"

"Don't you think she might be too young?" Kushina looks at him slightly annoyed.

"The Hokage himself said that she must learn to control her powers right away just in case Orochimaru comes after her."

"I guess you're right. I just don't want our little girl to get hurt." Kashina pats Kura on the head, sighs, and walks away.

"You know what Kura?"

"What?!" Kura looks at Minato wide eyed.

"Do you want to be like me?"

"YES! I want to be a ninja!"

"Good. Lets go start training!"

***Time Jump: For the next three years Minato trained Kurayami. She knew everything about the basics of being a ninja (Chakra control, taijutsu, and some ninjutsu)***

Kura is now 5 years old and she is enrolled in Konoha's ninja academy. She is the youngest student there. She enters class, she is right on time but notices that all of the seats are taken except the two on either side of a boy with black eyes and long black hair. She walks up to him and she can feel her heart pounding and slides in a chair next to him. He gives her a small glance and smiles at her.She slightly blushes and returns the smile.

"Alright class. Welcome to your first day at the academy! Here you will learn how to be a great ninja! First off: Attendance!" Sensei starts to name off all of the names in the class and he gets to her. "Tenshi, Kurayami."

She blushes and raises her hand and quietly says, "Here," He gazes at me for a while and moves on.

"Itachi Uchiha."

The boy next to her raises his hand, "Here." Sensei gazes at him too.

Sensei finishes the attendance, "Alright class since today is the first day of class I would like you to get to know each other. These are your comrades. You will protect them like family. Now to get comfortable with each other, I would like each of you to stand up say your name and say one person you are grateful for and why." He went through the rows of students they all went on a list of people they were grateful for and since Kura was on the far corner of the top row she was last. "Alright Itachi, you're next."

Itachi stood up and every girl was swooning over him. "I'm Itachi Uchiha. I am grateful for my little brother." He sits down.

"Why is this?"

"Because... And I will protect him with my life no matter what."

"Alright, good. Kurayami your turn."

She stands up and sees everyone staring at her. She starts to shake and she cannot say a word. She feels someone grab her arm she looks down to see Itachi looking into her eyes and giving her a reassuring smile. She gulps, "I'm Kura Tenshi. I'm grateful for Minato Namikaze because he has been looking after me for as long as I remember and he has been training me to become a strong ninja."

"Very good." They finished the introduction.

***Time Jump: Genin exams***

"Alright class today you are going to be taking the written session of your final exam. I have handed them out to you. When you are finished hand them to me and make your way to the classroom across the hall for the shadow clone test. State your name last and first and preform the jutsu." They all start to take the test and the first one done is Itachi he walks down, hands sensei his quiz and walks out. Kura is the second one done she does the same. When she walks into the exam room she is trembeling.

She sees that Minato is one of the three observers so she relaxes. "I'm Tenshi, Kurayami." She starts to make the hand signs. "Shadow clone jutsu!" She makes a perfect exact copy of herself.

"Very good Kura!" Minato says, "You pass!" He gives her a headband and huge hug.

She runs out of the school and sees Itachi sitting on a swing. She walks over to him and notices his head band. "You made it too!?"

"Yes. I'm surprised you made it haha. You're the top of the class!" He smiles at her.

She blushes "So are you! We are pretty much tied!" They then run off into the forest together.


Hey! Comment, share, correct spelling and grammar! c; Oh and if you haven't noticed I extended Minato's life by about 7 years. He should have been dead around the time of the Found chapter. :)

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