New Begining

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Minato leaves Kura at the academy she takes a deep breathe and is about to walk into the class when Itachi appears next to her. She gets startled and they start to laugh.

"Kura we should go in. We are going to be late." Itachi say grabbing Kura's shoulder. She looks him in the eyes and realizes that she looks tired and sees how puffy her eyes are from crying. "What's wong?"

She is reluctant to speak at first. "...Minato... He's gone out to war..." At that time they both walk in just in time. They both take a seat next to each other in the far corner and they wait for their group to be called.

"Uchiha, Itachi; Morino Idate; Namikaze Kurayami. Team 9."

Kura and Itachi look at each other and smile they are glad to be in the same group although they are not too sure about their partner Idate. Their sensei comes and collects them the introduce themselves and start their training. They all pass and the soon start to go on missions. For being that Itachi and Kura were the top of the class and they were highly trained they had no need to do D-Ranked mission they mostly did B-Ranked, occasional A-Ranked, and occasional C-Ranked. The trio soon became very close and very powerful.


Kura is now 8 years old and shes kind of more mature than the others.


They had just got back from their most tough A-Ranked mission they have had and they were exhausted. That's when the Hokage broke the news that the Chunin Exams would take place that following week. The three trained nonstop. Kura and Itachi were pretty confident in their skills while Idate was kind of shaky. The time come for the first exam.

"Everyone have a seat. I am Ibiki Morino you Chunin Exam instructor."

"Morino? Is he related to Idate?" Kura wonders and looks at Idate who is smiling feeling proud.

"This is the written part of the test. You will have to answer 9 questions first and the 10th question I will give to you in the last half hour of the time." Ibiki hands out the test and everyone begins. Kura looks at the test and realizes that none of the information was taught at the academy but luckily Minato has taught her all she needs to know so she blew through the exam. Itachi did the same. She spots him as he gives her a smile a nod. She looks around for Idate who is using his Jutsu to cheat off the person behind him. She smiles at his cleverness. She spots others doing the same thing and she guards her answers from them. A few of the teams are kicked out of the exam room for obvious cheating. The time has finally come for the tenth question.

"Alright everyone, Listen up! This is the tenth question. You may chose to take this question though. If you don't think you are ready for it you and your team will be escorted out and you can try again next time. If you do stay and get it wrong your whole team will fail and will never be able to become a Chunin again."

Instantly Kura knew that Ibiki was bluffing. A few of the teams have been escorted out of the room. She looks at Itachi for a confirming look. He nods at her and she raises her hand. Idate has not realized this though.

"Alright Team 9. You may go-"

Idate then has a sudden out burst. "Hold on! Wait a minute! Kura! What the hell? You're just going to give up like that? Not even give the question a try?! How is that supposed to show how great of a ninja you are?! A ninja should always stay and fight regardless of the circumstances! You should-"

"Shut up! A ninja also never risks their own comrades. Lets go NOW!" Kura yells at Idate.

"Well Idate. If you do wish to stay while the rest of your team leaves you are more than welcome to." Ibiki says glaring at his younger brother. Idate sits down and Kura and Itachi leave. Ibiki continues to glare at him in disappointment.

"Okay. Now that's over with. You all FAIL!" Ibiki walks out to the other genins who had left the room and tells them they have passed. Kura and Itachi hug overjoyed by the news.


I know there are usually trios but lets pretend that there was an exception for them because Kurayami and Itachi were very powerful. Also if you watch the anime (part not put into the manga) after the Search for Tsunade arch Sauske, Naruto, and Sakura run into Idate who is a Roge Nin. 'Kay 'nough said. Comment, Share, and fix my mistakes! :)

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