Chunin Exams Part Three

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These are going to be fights so I'm not going to put a whole lot of dialogue but there is going to be beefy paragraphs that had action in them. Also I'm only going to explain Kura's and Itachi's fights because well... lets face it. We only really care about them... c:


After the second round of the exams are done a total of 4 teams made it through, meaning 11 people. There are two teams from the Leaf Village, one from the sand, and another from the mist. All of the genin are called into the battle field where thousands of people from every village gathered to see the final round of the Chunin exams.

"Hello everyone. I see you 11 have made it past The Forest of Death. This is the final test before we decide who are going to be new genins of the nation. In this test you have been put into a random order to fight each other until one can not stand anymore or death occurs. You are labeled 1 through 11.  

1) Isoya of the Mist Village (Female) 

2) Yuto of the Sand Village (Male) 

3) Natsuki of the Leaf Village (F) 

4) Kurayami of the Leaf Village 

5) Saruwatari of the Mist Village (M) 

6) Gaku of the Leaf Village (M) 

7) Itachi of the Leaf Village  

8) Ichido of the Mist Village (M) 

9) Daichi of the Sand Village (M) 

10) Yume of the Sand Village (F) 

and finally 

11) Hayato of the Leaf Village (M)  

The first round will be 7 and 5, Itachi and Saruwatari. The rest of you make your way up to the waiting room until you are called."

Kura gives Itachi a hug. "Good luck and try not to show off your powers this early on in the game." She smiles at him and walks off to the waiting room and the first fight has begun.

They two genin stare at each other trying to read each others move. That's when Saruwatari pulls off his huge gorge which is filled with water and makes a water dragon that goes after Itachi. Itachi casually doges it and disappears. Saruwatari looks around for him but cannot see him one bit. From right behind him comes Itachi with a kunai in hand holding it to his throat. Saruwatari looks into Itachi's eyes which have flashed Sharingan for a quick second and he is instantly frightened. He is still looking at Itachi's eyes which showed no emotion but they did show a thrust for blood. Saruwatari knew that if he didn't withdraw right now he would be dead.

Shakily Saruwatari say, "I-I g-give up..." and the proctor steps in and removes Itachi from him.

Itachi wins the match moving on to the next round. He walks up to the waiting room and gets tackled by Kura who is squeezing him as tight as she can. She then releases and he smiles at her.

"That was too easy. I hope that others put up more of a fight." Itachi say and glances at everyone else in the room.

"Alright, now it's time for the next pair. 1 and 9, Isoya and Daichi."

The two walk down to the fight area and begin. With in 30 minutes Isoya has knocked Daichi unconscious winning the match.

"4 and 8; Kurayami and Ichido."

Itachi places his had on Kura shoulder and she starts to leave. He gives her a smile and meets her opponent on the bottom. Once the battle starts Ichido runs at Kura with his poison kunai hoping to catch her by surprise. Unfortunately for him, Kura is smarter then that she used an earth style jutsu and Ichido's foot is sucked into the ground. He is trapped and at that moment Kura uses her telekinesis to move the soil and rocks to trap Ichido completely underground and compress together. All that was left from him was a final scream.

"T-the winner is.... Kurayami..." The proctor says frightened by what he has just seen this 8 year old girl do. A few proctors helped get him out of the ground. All of his bones were crushed and he was clearly dead.

The whole stadium was quiet while every one watched Kura in fear walk up the stairs to the waiting room. She causally walks in getting scared looks from the others.

Itachi walks up to her. "Don't you think you took it a bit too far?"

"You know I love the smell of blood in the soil." Kura gives him an eerie smile and sits down.

"Moving on... 10 and 6: Yume and Gaku."

The two head out and in a matter of ten minutes Gaku surprises everyone and knocks out Yume.

"11 and 2: Hayato and Yuto"

This was a very close fight. It lasted about an hour until Hayato finally had enough and killed Yuto.

"Since we have an uneven number of genin two of you will be chosen at random to fight Natsuki in another round." He gets two random slips of paper and pull the out. "11 Hayato."

"Oh come on! I just fought!" Hayato walks down and prepares himself to fight again. Due to his lack of strength and chakra he did not win the fight (but he did get to become a Chunin! Not that is really matters hes not coming back but at least he got a reward!)

"Alright now for the second one 6 Gaku." Gaku is very strong so he didn't take much time to finish off that round. "Now we have even matches so now Itachi and Isoya will be fighting next."

"Good luck." Kura whispers in Itachi's ear and he walks off.

Itachi stands staring at Isoya emotionless. She is shaking in fear after seeing his previous match. The match begins. Isoya runs in the opposite direction as him and runs up the wall. She uses a water blast jutsu and huge stream of water blast at Itachi she then freezes it making it into deadly sharp ice and increase the speed of them. In a matter of seconds she hits him, or so she thought. She had hit a shadow clone and Itachi appears behind her and does a fire ball jutsu knocking her to the floor unconscious.

"The winner is Itachi." The crowd cheers and Itachi walks back up to the waiting room. He gives Kura a smirk and she hugs him. "Next round will be 4 and 6: Kura and Gaku."

Kura smirks and walks down. Out of everyone competing Itachi, Gaku, and Kura are the strongest ones making Kura very excited. They both are staring at each other with blood thirst in their eyes. Gaku makes the first move. He makes five shadow clones and the all go charging at Kura in every direction. They all jump up and throw poison needles at her. She is sucked into the ground and she sends earth spikes at Gaku's clones. They all disappear. Gaku barley jumps up before being impaled by a spike. He then climbs up a tree unaware of where Kura is. Kura the appears behind him and kicks him in the back breaking part of his spine. Gaku is paralyzed and can not move. At that time the proctor stopped the fight and the medical squad comes to retrieve Gaku.

"Our final round will be Kurayami and Itachi."

Itachi walks down, he looks at Kura and shakes her hand. The crowd is going wild. The fight starts and they both charge at each other with their swords. They are battling with are their strength, clashing sword with sword. They both activate their Kekkei Genkai and the speed increases. This is the first time Itachi has seen this speed from Kura. He also noticed how her red eyes changed to a green with the same symbols as his Sharingan. They both knock the swords out of each others hands. Itachi uses his Mangekyo Sharingan but Kura counters it. Itachi notices that using her Kekkei Genkai she was able to master his Sharingan. He stops using it and so does Kura they charge at each other again and they both give each other a jaw crushing punch. They both go flying into the wall at opposite sides of the arena. They fall on the floor. They are bloody and beaten. Using the bit of strength they have the get up at walk over to each other. They both collapse at the same time and are passed out.

"I will take time final round as a draw." The crowd goes wild and Kura and Itachi are taken to the hospital.


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