Chapter 4

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Me- *pulling out a gun* Out of the way bozos. 

Ryan- *laughs* We meet again.

Me- *pointing my gun at Ryan* If I kill anyone, your dead first. 

Ryan- *smiles* Aww why? Fernanda misses her daddy? 

Me- *tearing up; clenching my jaw* Say that again..


Me- *throws a blade at him; misses* 

Ryan- *laughing* How cute was that.

Me- *rolling my eyes* Wanna know what else would be cute? When I rip your balls of and sew them on your forehead. 

Alfredo- Woah ew, chill hotty. Just give us the key..there's seven of us and one of you.

Jaden- You can't win boo, ya just gotta give up. 

Christian- Justin! Grab her! 

Me- *turning around; looking at Justin.* 

Justin- No. 

What...I'm so confused..he's he trying to get on my good side to get the key? What the hell his he doing? Don't fall for it, it's obviously a trick.

Alfredo- Justin! She has the goddamn key!

Chaz- HELLOOO! The hoe is right there and we are inches away from the key! 

Me- *shooting Chaz in the arm* Don't call me a hoe, douchebag. 

Lil Twist- Fuck it, I ain't wastin' my damn time here. Peace niggas! 

Me- ....

Christian- Ill grab her myself then! *grabs me* 

Ryan- *helps him* 

Me- *elbows Ryan in the face; kicking Christian in the balls*

Alfredo- *tackles me; pulls out a knife.*

Me- *pulls out a nunchuck; hits Alfredo with it* 

Christian- *pulls out a gun* 

Me; *pulls out a gun* 

Before I could pull the trigger, I heard a loud noise and fell to the ground. The last things I heard after that were sirens. After that, I blacked out.

I woke up finding myself in a hospital bed. I looked around the room and spotted a nurse walking in. She looked at me and smiled and said, 

Nurse- Good morning Fernanda. How was your sleep?

Me- *confused look* Why am I here?

Nurse- Didn't you get shot?

Me- I don't know..the last thing I remember was hearing a loud noise and sirens.

Nurse- At least your okay. You got surgery last night, and we'll be keeping you here for a few days.

Me- Surgery? For what? 

Nurse- We had to remove the bullet from your arm, see. *showing me the wound*

Me- Do I really need to stay here?

Nurse- Just for two or three days.

Me- I..I can't do that ma'am.

Nurse- Why not? 

I couldn't stay here...I need to protect the key and myself. Staying in this hospital bed all day isn't going to do shit...but I can't let anyone here find out I was involved in a gang fight..I could get arrested. 

Me- I's a family issue. 

Nurse- Oh, well then we'll just keep you for two days I guess..why can't your family come visit you? 

Me- ....

Nurse- Well? 

Me- .......My dad was killed..two years ago..and-and I don't even know where my mom is..the rest of my family lives in I live alone. 

Nurse- You're pretty young to be living alone.

Me- I live in the pro- I mean, yeah..but hey, who else is gonna take care of me?

Nurse- *smiles* You're a really strong woman. 

Me- Thank you..I guess.

Nurse- Be right back.

Me- Okay.

The nurse walked out of the room. I sat there playing with my fingers and stared at my wound wondering which member of the gang shot me. I pulled out the key and some letters my dad kept and held them. About 10 minutes later, the nurse walks back in with someone following her from behind.

Nurse- You have a visitor.

Me- A visitor..?

Nurse- Why so surprised?

Me- I..I don't know much people, so..yeah.

Nurse- Ill leave you two alone. *walks out*

Me- Uh..hi?

???- *turns around* Hey...

Me- Wha- what are you doing here? 

???- I came to see if you were okay.

Me- Why?

???- Because...I care about you.

Me- No you don't, you just want the key from me Justin.

Justin- Please believe me, I really do care about you.

Me- Prove it. 

Justin- Want to know the real reason why I'm in the 'Shadow' gang? 

Me- Close the door first.

Justin- Why?

Me- Well, if you want nurses to hear about your *whispers* gang life, then I suggest you close the door before you get your ass arrested.

Justin- *closes the door; grins* So you care about me sweet cheeks?

Me- ..... Shut up and tell me why you're in that stupid gang.

Justin- The first two members of the gang were Twist and Ryan. They told Alfredo, Jaden, Chaz and Christian to join them..they all said okay. Then, I was the last to find out about it. I honestly didn't want to be in the gang at first, but I needed money..

Me- So you killed my father for money?

Justin- I didn't kill him. Yes, I might be in the gang but I didn't kill your father. Ryan did.

Me- *tearing up; whispers* Why would he do that..?

Justin- I don't know..

Me- How are you even the leader of the gang anyways?

Justin- ...They paid me. I really needed money..but I don't wanna live this life anymore..after two years of seeing people die, blood, being surrounded by drugs, weapons, criminals, getting in and out of jail, I can't take it anymore...I want to help you.

Me- Ill think about it.

Justin- Okay...get well soon. *walking towards the door* 

Me- Wait!

Justin- *sits down next to me* Yes? 

Me- I need you...I have no one. 

Justin- You have me.

Me- *smiles*

Since when is Justin so..nice? Why does he care about me all of a sudden..? Does he really care? Or is he spying on me and acting this way so I won't suspect any thing? Hmm..


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