Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A few days after...

"Ann, you're phone's ringing!"

"Hmmm....hello..." Ann groggily answered. She had been up until early morning because she and her friends partied until late last night. When she got home, she still didn't get to sleep right away because Lila, Chris and Her spent hours talking about the party.

"Ann, tito Andrew here..."

"Oh, hello tito, good morning,"

"Dear, it's lunch time already and you just woke up? Did you get wasted last night?"

"Oh, is it? I'm so sorry I didn't look at the time, haha! Yeah, my friends and I went to a party. No, we don't drink that much so we didn't get wasted, tito,"

"Well that's good to know. Anyway, I called to let you know that you passed the audition, congratulations! See? I told you, you'd make it."

"Seriously? Wow..."

"Yes, you passed it and so we are going to have a photo shoot as well. This time, we are not shooting at your place, we'll do it somewhere else because we don't want you and Rich to have the same photo shoot environment. Also, you are not allowed to tell her you got in as well, it's one of the rules. The shoot's going to start at 3 pm so get your cute ass up and be here at the studio ASAP, okay? See you..."

"Okay, bye...and thank you!"

"Mom...where are you? Mom, tito Andrew called and told me I got in!"

"Really, dear? Well congratulations! I'm not surprised at all, all along I thought you could do it," her mom smiled at her as she answered.

"Aw mom, thank you for the vote of confidence, you're the best!" Ann said as she kissed her mom on the cheek.

"You're welcome, dear. Now, we must go shopping today. You have to always look your best now that you'll be part of a show."

"Mom, I don't think I'll have to wear make up and dresses all the time. We'll just be staying inside a house, remember? I'm not even sure I want to continue this. It feels kind of weird knowing everything I do will be shown on television for the whole Philippines to see. Besides, I don't even know the people I'm going to live with. I'd rather stay here, practice my ice skating, design and party with my friends..." Ann complained to her mom.

"Ann, it's not everyday that you are given a chance to experience this. Spending time with your friends here, partying, you can always do that. But this, this is going to be something new for you. I would ask you to just give it a try, live inside the house and try to make new friends. Show them and the whole Philippines the real you. Do not be afraid of being watched because you are a good girl and you are not doing anything wrong. Make the most out of the experience. Now, if after a few days you still don't want to be there, then leave. You can always ask for a voluntary eviction. No worries, sweetie, I will always be watching you.."

"Mommy, what would I ever do without you...Okay, I'll do it. Why do you always lift my spirits up? Haha! Even if I'm not really sure about this, I'm doing it because you're so positive about it.." Ann smiled as she gave her mom a hug.

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