Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The contest was no contest at all.

Their house got a unanimous victory on all three competitions and so they were now guaranteed two slots in the show's finale. They also had the right to buy whatever food they wanted for the whole week. The group decided that they would celebrate by throwing a pool party that night.

Ann and the rest of the girls were preparing food for their party when the girls were called in to the admission room, except for her. Left alone, she decided to continue peeling the potatoes set aside by Jenny. They were supposed to fry those but since she didn't know how to cook, she just peeled the remaining potatoes and sliced the remaining ingredients for the barbecue and pasta they were making.

"So you've just been here all along? "

Ann literally jumped to her feet in surprise when James came up behind her back and spoke close to her ear. She didn't notice him because she was so engrossed with peeling a particularly large potato.

"James! What the hell? You scared me dude!"

"What? I just asked you a question," James silently laughed at her spooked expression.

"That's 'coz you intentionally spooked me!"

"Of course not, haha! Anyway, what are you doing?"

"I'm helping prepare our food, I'm peeling these potatoes 'coz we're making fries."

"You've peeled a lot already, go cook those potatoes now."

"Dude, I don't know how to cook. I'll just burn these."

"'s easy. Okay, I'm going to start frying these potatoes and you can watch me do it the first time so that you can do the rest later."

"Really? Okay, but what about the guys, what were you doing with them earlier? They might be looking for you."

"Nah, they're just lazing around. I kind of got bored. Anyway, would you hand me those potatoes? The oil's hot enough, we can start frying."

"Sure thing."

'I could get used to this...He doesn't seem to mind that I know next to nothing with chores. He's so easy to get along with, and to think I considered him to be a snob. He has a gentle side that he rarely shows to everyone. It's a good thing that he has become really comfortable with me because I get to see the sweet things he is capable of and the soft side he rarely shows to everyone. Everyday, as I know him more, I find myself being drawn to him and I can't help it. I should stop it though. I can't feel more than what I'm already feeling right now. I'd just end up being hurt. I'm just a friend to him, nothing more than that.' Ann thought to herself as she silently helped and watched James fry the potatoes. They worked in comfortable silence.

In more than a week inside the house, they had become so comfortable with each other that they can stay in each other's company for hours without having a steady conversation. Sometimes, James would automatically rest his head on her lap and she would absently stroke his hair. Other times Ann would rest her head on James' lap and he would automatically rest him arm on her side. Then there were times when Ann would rest her head on James' shoulder and James would also rest his head on hers.

These unconscious gestures were drawing the other housemates' attention towards them. However, not one of them wanted to tease. They each could feel that there is something going on between Ann and James but they could not say it out loud. They would just silently watch the two and then look at each other, speculating.

"Guys, what do you think is going on between those two?" Jenny asked Averil.

"You know, I think they have feelings for each other. In fact, I'm pretty sure they DO HAVE feelings for each other" Averil whisperingly said.

"But how come Ann doesn't talk about James all the time? Not even in a romantic way? I mean, yeah, she does mention James in our conversations but not even once have I heard her say she LIKES him," Sofie butted in as well.

"Yeah, I noticed it too. I mean, I'm closest to her right? And we sleep together but I did not once hear her say that she has a crush on James. I don't know, but the way they act around each other is different with the way they act around us," Jenny said.

"Girls, maybe they just want to keep it to themselves for now. Or maybe they are just friends, friends who secretly care for each other. Haha! How cute is that?" Averil answered.

"Yeah, let's just let them have their moments, haha!" Jenny joked as well.

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