Chapter 45

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Ann could see all the longing that James felt for her. It was written all over his face.

Unable to resist the urge, their lips met and it seemed that everything was perfect, just as how it was supposed to be. It felt so right to be in each others arms.

After a while, Ann pulled away from the embrace and got away from him.

"Ann, what's wrong?" James asked.

"This! What we're doing, this is what's wrong!" Ann answered.

"What's so wrong about it? It was perfect..."

"No, James.."

"Look, Ann. I don't know why you're acting like this right now but I want to let you know that I still love you. I always have. Even after all these years, after everything that's happened, you have always been in my heart. I just don't want to pass up on the chance to finally be with you again..."

"James, I just don't think that it will work out between us and I don't want to risk our friendship when that happens."

"Why won't it work out? I know you love me too, don't try to deny it..."

Ann didn't answer him but just continued pacing back and forth.

"Ann, I'm so happy right now, honestly. So I really don't get why you're so up and worried about problems that may not come up after all."

"Look, James, show business especially in the Philippines can be cruel to celebrities who are in love with each other. I've seen a lot of my friends break up and cry their hearts out because of negative publicities thrown at them. I've had a taste of how nasty negative rumors can get, and I ran away because of it. I just don't want to risk it again. I'm sorry, James."

"So that's it? You're just going to let all your negativities rule over what you obviously feel for me? You're just going to run away again?"

"James, please understand.."

"No, Ann. You have to understand me too. Even before, when you thought the world had turned against you, I was always ready to defend you. I was always ready to comfort you,to take away some of your pain. But you never let me. You just up and left me. It was you who gave up on us, not me. And now, even when things are starting to be really good again, you're still the one giving up on us. I didn't ever think of you as a coward, Ann. But now, I'm starting to think of you as one..."

With that, James left, without saying another word.

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