Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

After Nomination...

"Dude that was hard," Bret broke the silence in the room.

Most of them were very quiet, silently contemplating the result of the nomination. Each one of them did not want to be nominated but in the end, four people got the highest number of votes and eventually, three would leave the house the day after tomorrow.

James was one of the people who were nominated. Along with him are Larson, Averil and Jacob. He did not know the reasons behind his nomination but that didn't matter to him. What he feels sad about is the fact that if he left the house, he might never see Ann again. Things will be different once they're all outside, there will be a lot of other people and she had a different set of friends. He on the other hand, had very few friends in the Philippines. He rarely went out, rarely mingled with other people his age for the simple reason that a lot of people have a hard time understanding his thick Australian accent. Most of the people he met either understood a little of what he said or didn't understand him at all. The girls he met just flirted with him, no one really took the time to get to know him better.

If ever he does go out, he will really miss Ann. So far, she has been the only one who has been really patient with him. She accepted his laziness, his sarcasms, and she wasn't pushy at all. She is one of the very few people who can still understand him even when he gets really excited. His accent becomes thicker when he gets excited and then he talks really fast which make it a lot harder for people to understand what he is saying. Although she can be bossy sometimes, he found her bossiness cute and unoffending. She didn't flirt with him or with the other boys, she was just naturally sweet and caring. He wanted to spend more time with her and he feels sad that there might be no more time for that.

"Hey dude, you want to go outside and have some pops?" Ann said as she sat beside him on the hammock.

"Yeah, let's go grab some pops..." He agreed and stood up. He pulled Ann to her feet and they both went to get some Pops and then went outside.

"Guys, wait up! I'm going with you," Jenny called behind them.

"So, what do you think is going to happen tomorrow?" Ann asked Jenny.

"I think once we live together at the other house, the competition between our group and theirs will end. I think we'll be given individual challenges..." Jenny answered.

"Yeah, that could be possible. Or we could be challenged as one group and the prize will be a really good one..." James added.

"Yeah, I wonder what would be a good prize for a group though..." Ann asked to herself.

"A Boracay adventure would be a good one! Really guys, I have never been to Bora in all the years that I've stayed here in the Philippines," Jenny said.

"Oh yeah, Bora would be really fun right?" Ann said to Jenny and James. "Guys let's go to Bora after this okay? Let's make it a reunion!"

"I don't know if we'd all still see each other after this. Things will be different outside. I might have to go home on the next day and I don't know what will happen after that." James told Ann and Jenny.

"Oh James, don't say that. Of course we'll still see each other outside," Jenny said to cheer him up.

"Maybe...I hope so," he said and looked at Ann. Ann was already looking at him and for a few seconds their eyes met. Ann saw sadness in James' eyes and she couldn't help but feel sad too. She looked away and in a gesture of comfort, rested her head on James' shoulder.

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