Chapter 21

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"I can't believe we are going to have another eviction today! I thought it was going to be next week!" Ann exclaimed after learning about the eviction news.

"The show must be really nearing it's end. Next week, there will only be 4 people left here. Who knows, you might be one of them."

"Oh, I don't know James. That depends on the supporters now. Honestly, I don't think I'd have that much supporters as you and Ryan have. I don't think I'm that interesting to watch unlike Ryan and you."

"What makes you think I'm interesting?" James asked her.

"Dude! Do you really have to ask that? You're so good-looking girls stare at you all the time. Plus, your Aussie accent makes you hot. And you're so good with music, blah, blah,blah...I could just go on and on..." Ann told him.

"Really, you find me handsome and hot?" James asked her with disbelieving eyes. He was so surprised with what he heard from Ann. Not once did he ever consider Ann finding him 'hot'.

"Of course, I do. You are 'hot' despite the fact that you're so thin, haha!"

"Hmmm.. Now that's a revelation. So tell me, if you find me hot, why didn't you hit on me? You can still flirt with me you know," James joked.

"So what? So you can turn all sarcastic on me? Hah! No way dude..." Ann answered back to him.

"Aww...I'd never do that to you, haha! But seriously Ann...uhm...if ever I did flirt with you, would you flirt back?" James blurted out. 'This is it, there's no turning back now,' he thought to himself.

"What do you mean?"

" I told you I like you...uhm...would you still want to be friends with me?"

Ann didn't know how to answer him. She was so caught off-guard by his question. She did not expect him to be asking her these questions.

"Well, yeah, I guess so. There's nothing wrong with it, right?" She answered after a few seconds.

"So if I did tell you I like you right now, you'll not get angry at me?" James asked.

"Dude, seriously, what's up with you. Are you playing?" Ann asked him, her heart was beating so fast she had to tell herself to calm down.

"No, I'm serious. I really do like you, even before you went inside the house. That day when we first saw each other, I already found you cute and really pretty."

"Shut up dude! Haha! Okay, I get it, you're just trying to distract me from the eviction thing,"

"Okay, fine. Whatever. Let's just go inside and join them." James said, feeling a little hurt.

Ann saw the hurt on James' face and she realized that he was telling her the truth. "Wait, James...I'm sorry, I didn't take you seriously. Can we stay here a little longer?"

"Sure, whatever you say." James said after a few minutes.

They both just sat there, sitting beside each other but not talking. For a couple of minutes it felt awkward to be sitting next to each other. Finally, Ann looked at James and asked him,

"What do you like about me, James?"

"A lot." James answered hesitantly.

" Yeah, that answer says a lot, haha!" Ann joked, just to hide everything that she was feeling inside.

"No really Ann, what's there not to like about you? You're very pretty, you have gorgeous eyes. You look hot in a swimsuit. You're sweet, you're you want me to go on and on?"

"No, stop..." Ann said, her face turning all red.

"You're blushing, that's so cute..." James laughed when he saw Ann's face.

"Now you're making fun of me!"

"No I'm not! Honestly you really do look cute whenever you're excited, or become embarrassed... I find it really cute. So, does that mean we're still best friends even though I told you I like you?"

"Of course." Ann answered. There was silence for a few minutes again and then suddenly, James grabbed her hand and held it to his. She was so happy she felt like shouting her heart out and laughing out loud. Instead, she turned to look at James, smiled ever so sweetly and said,

"James, do you want to know a secret?"

James looked back at her, smiling at the twinkle he saw on Ann's smiling eyes. "Yeah. What's the secret?"

"I also like you. A LOT. " Having said that, she kissed James on the cheek and walked hurriedly inside the house and went into the girls bedroom, leaving James speechless with an utterly surprised expression on his face.

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