Chapter 23

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Later that day...

James, Ann and Ryan were joking around in the boys bedroom. So far they were in their 5th round of pillow fights and Ryan always lost to both Ann and James. They decided to spend the day bonding with each other because they knew one of them will be leaving the house tonight.

When they got tired of doing pillow fights they just spent their time talking about anything under the sun. Ryan always had a lot of stories to tell and they always enjoyed listening to him. After a while,

"Guys, if ever I get evicted tonight, I want you to both do the 'chuvachoochoo' with me before I leave the house. You both should dance 'chuvachoochoo' with all your heart so that I will be happy," Ryan jokingly told them.

"Ryan, only you can dance it without looking stupid," James protested. "If Ann and I did it, we'd both look so funny we'd both be laughed at by everyone."

"No guys, it's okay for both of you. Ann is pretty and you are handsome so even if you do something stupid like chuvachoochoo they will all still like it. Haha!"

"Aw Ryan, it's so sweet of you to say that. James, it's okay, we'll do the chuvachoochoo if ever Ryan gets evicted. Of course, it will probably be me James, so you don't have to worry about looking stupid," she smiled and told James.

" Guys, whoever gets out tonight, no worries, we'll all still see each other for sure..." James assured them.

"Yes, of course..." Ryan agreed. "I think my energy has left me after that last round of pillow fight. I'm going to go grab some food, would you guys like to have some as well?"

"Yes, we do. Ryan you're so kind. Thank you!" Ann said to Ryan.

"Okay. I'll come back with the food, " He said and went out of the room.

"So, Ann, I've been meaning to ask you..." James said to Ann.

"Ask me what?" Ann asked him back.

"That kiss you gave me last night, does it mean we're..." he left the question hanging for Ann to answer.

"What, it was just a kiss on the cheek. It's no big deal dude!" Ann said defensively.

"You're wrong dude, it's a big deal for me. As far as I can remember, that was the first time that you kissed me, even if it was only on the cheeks. Plus, you did say you like me. A LOT. Remember? " James teased her.

Ann's face was starting to get red all over and so she pretended to check the toes on her feet in order to hide her face.

"Yeah okay, fine. I kissed you because I was happy. That's it. Should there be anything else?" Ann said, still hiding her face from him.

"Aw, come on..." James said a little frustrated already.

"Hi guys! What are you doing? Can I join you here?" Rich said when she entered the room.

"Of course," Ann said. Although feeling a little disappointed because of Rich's intrusion, there was nothing she could do about it so she just shifted the conversation to other things. She could still see James waiting for her answer and looking a little annoyed so she just looked him in the eye and smiled at him. Hopefully, he'll get her message and won't try and press the issue, at least not while Rich was around.

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