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Chapter 1 : HELLO CANADA

Maya had just moved into a new city. Worst, she had just moved into a new continent! She came from Australia but she was now in Canada. "So," had said Rose, Maya's mom, "How do you like the house?" "Ugh, I miss home..." Was Maya's reply. Of course, she just moved in and missed her past life but, lets say it, Maya was a hard girl to approach.

Rose showed her daughter to her room and went back to the car and started unpacking. Maya just looked out of the window, mad at her mom's choice. Why did they move!? That she did not know, for her mom would not tell her.

She watched the snow slowly fall. She had first saw and touched snow two hours ago but she already hated it. It was too cold and were she lived before there was no snow. She put her earphones on and put the music at the max. For once her mom was not there to tell her to put it lower because she was "ruining her ears" and bla bla bla... She let her mind run free. She thought about her friends, her old country, her old school and stuff like that. She found herself thinking about her dad, about the way he abandoned them... She could still hear her moms cries... "James... But why...." Her moms voice echoes in her head. Her voice ringing louder than the music in her ears. Maya was only tree years old back then but she still remembered like if it was yesterday.

"Maya! Come eat dinner!" Maya's mom abruptly interrupter her toughs. She came down slowly, and sat on the only furniture present with the table, the empty cardboard boxes. They ate in silence, Rose knowing that Maya was in no mood to talk.

After dinner Maya headed back to her room. She was happy to find that most of her furniture was there. She laid on her bed and fell into a deep sleep even if it was just two in the afternoon. She was always tired during day because of the jet lag. She had lived thirteen years in Australia! Since she was born! And just like that, she is now on the other side of the planet! When she woke up it was dark out. She tried to sleep until morning but she was not sleepy anymore. So she decided to explore her new house.

She had seen almost everything and she was kind of lost. Every room looked practically the same! She finally found the stairs. She started climbing the stairs but they were somehow different then the stairs she knew. The more she went up into the stairs, the more it became longer, like a never ending spiral. Her house could not be this high! She went back down. She practically ran down! She was scared now...

The next morning, when her mom woke up, Maya did not say a word about the mysterious staircase. Instead she simply asked, "Hey mom, is there a second staircase in the house?"

"No you did not go explore?"

"No I did not have the time yesterday..." Maya looked at her feet, she was a very bad liar... But surprisingly, her mom believed her!

During the day, when her mom went to work, she explored the house again. She had to know what secrets awaited up there. More, she wanted to know if it ever finished! She looked at herself in the mirror to give her courage, she looked at her long red hair and her deep green eyes. She told herself, "Come on Maya, its just stairs for heaven's sake!" After a few minutes she was ready to go. She started walking trough the house. Minutes passed, an hour passed! She was wondering if the whole stair episode was only a dream... At that exact moment she found them. Just standing there like normal stairs. But they were not. This time she felt a weird energy emanating from the stairs, she could swear that she even saw a soft black shadow coming from the mysterious stairs... With courage she started to walk up the stairs. Higher and higher always, and even then she could not see the end. After what seemed an eternity, she finally arrived! But what she found at the top, she would have never expected...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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