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There's somethings I can't help
But you would make the time for me
Oh, isn't that something that I should know?


I still can't get over the fact that I saw Lani, the love of my life. She was still beautiful as the day I left her. Of course I regret what I did with her, but I'd never let Dinah know that. That would kill her.

"Mila!" Dinah squealed running into our bedroom.

"What is it Dinah?" I asked.

She smiled, straddling my lap, kissing my lips over and over again. "I missed you. Work was so boring." She groaned.

"I told you working at Forever 21 would be boring." I smiled at her.

"It's not boring, boring. It's just... boring."

I raised my eyebrow and shook my head, laughing a little. Only Dinah knew what Dinah said. "Okay babe."

I frowned when I noticed the way Dinah looks at me. Kehlani used to look at me the exact same way. Adoration and Love. Every time I look Dinah, I get a reminded on what I did and how I hurt the person I loved the most.

"Everything okay?" Dinah asked. Her thumb came in contact with my cheek, softly stroking it.

"Yeah." I nodded, trying to give her a convincing smile.


I tried my best to forget the memories of last night. Camila. I can't get her out my head. That bitch always finds a way back into my life, no matter how hard I push the thought of her away.

"God, Kehlani, Can you not smoke in here?" Normani gave a look of disgust, fanning the smoke out of her face.

I gave her a look that said Back The Fuck Up and brought the hallowed out cigar filled with weed into my lips again.

She held up her hands in surrender. "I told you I was sorry about dinner the other day. How long are you gonna be mad at you?"

I shrugged not bothering to answer.

Normani sighed. "Stop being so dramatic Lani."

When I still didn't say anything, Normani left. Just then I felt my phone buzz underneath me. I looked down at it, not prepared.


I know I'm the last person you want to talk to. Is there somewhere where you can meet me?

I stared down at my messaging screen for a while. What do I say? What the hell does she even want to talk about? I sighed, replying.


Within minutes I got a reply.

Please? I promise Dinah wont be there.

I sighed and typed an 'ok' before hitting send. The thought of seeing those brown eyes again scared me.

"Where are you going?" Mani asked me on my way out.

"Meeting Camila." I said slipping out the door.


"Glad you came." Camila gave me a smile when I met her at the place she told me too. It was a local park; we used to come here a lot when we were dating.

"Well I'm here so..." I sat down on the bench next to her. I really don't want to be here.

"I wanted to apologize for Dinah's behavior. It was completely out of line." She told me.

"Okay," I nodded. "Why am I hearing this from you? I want to hear it from the bitch herself."

"She's not a bitch." Camila hissed.

"Of course you think that." I laughed bitterly.

Camila folded her arms. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Um, well, let's see," I placed a finger on my chin and looked at the sky, pretending to think. "You cheated on me with her, throughout our relationship." I scrunched up my face. "This one's tough."

Camila rolled her eyes. "I said sorry for that too."

"And sorry makes everything better?" I asked. "Saying sorry makes up for all the pain you put me through? Sorry just complete makes for up for countless nights wondering where you are when you're with Dinah."

She had nothing to say. Good. I'm wasting my time here.

I got up to leave.

"What can I do to fix things?" I heard her say from behind me.

I turned just my head so I could look at her. "Nothing."

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