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You don't need nobody else,
and you're putting this all on me, forgive me


It's been 2 years since Ive last seen Camila. I heard she was living somewhere in North California. I was currently in the Bay Area, still in the same place.

Of course after we broke up she would send constant texts asking to meet up, apologizing, and many 'i love you's'. But they didn't mean the same. They were pity love you's. I always told her to stop texting and ignored most of them.

After a while, she just stopped. I guess she gave up; which was fine with me. I didn't... don't need her.

"Laniiiiii." My best friend, Normani yelled running up the stairs.

"Maniiiiii." I giggled running to her as well. She engulfed me in a big hug, spinning us around.

Funny thing is that Normani and I actually met through Camila. As mine and Camila's relationship progressed so did Normani and i's, we got close; of course not Dinah and Camila close... but you get the picture.

"I missed you." She confessed. She had been in Milan for a fashion show. Did I mention that Mani's a model?

"I missed you too." I pouted. Me being the struggling musician had to stay home. Normani moved in with me after Camila left. I wasnt making enough money and struggled to pay the bills, so Normani moved in to help out.

"How was the trip?" I asked, finally pulling away from our long ass hug.

"Amazing!" Normani beamed. "It was just so beautiful. You should've been there Keh."

I laughed at the nickname. Normani is the only person who calls me Keh. My full name is Kehlani but I prefer Lani; Kehlani is so just so formal.

"Did you bring me anything back?" I teased.


I narrowed my eyes, punching her shoulder. "Bitch."

"Damn, I'm kidding." Normani rolled her eyes. "It's in my suitcase but I'll give it to you later, right now I'm starving."

"I was just about to order a pizza." I told her, grabbing my phone out my pocket.

"I don't want no damn pizza." She said snatching the phone out my hand.

I quickly grabbed my phone back before muttering "Bitch don't do that." I shoved it back in my back pocket. "So then what do you want."

Normani bit her bottom lip. She only did that when she was hiding something.

"Mani..." I warned.

She sighed. "Lauren invited us over for dinner." She looked down at her feet.

Lauren was a good friend of mine as well. She was more of a mine AND Camila friend. I talked to her a bit after Camila and I separated, but she mostly stuck by her side while Mani stuck by mine.

I shook my head. "No. I'm not coming."

"Come on Kehlani. Please?" Normani groaned.

"No." I refused. "Wherever Lauren is, there's Camila and wherever Camila is, there's Dinah."

"It's just one dinner." Mani whined. "You're over Camila right?"

"Duh!" I gave her an are you stupid? look.

"Then if you're over it, it doesn't matter if she's there."

I sighed and shook my head. I told myself I never wanted to see Camila's face every again and if I go to this dinner, everything will change.

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