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Girl, I guess time will tell

That's the problem, I ain't got any left


My friend Chance was supposed to be coming over later. I met him a few months ago at a club with Normani and we've been talking ever since. Of course when I met him there was a little, touchy, touchy, feely, feely... If you know what I mean. But our relationship never really took off after that. Yeah there was a few more-than-just-friend touching and lots of flirting (sometimes sex) but at the same time he's like my boy best friend.

"Baelani." He greeted me and kissed my cheek. He's the only person who calls me that, but I like it so I let him.

"Hey Chance." I smile and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Wassup ma, it's been forever since we chilled." He frowned.

I nodded. "You're right. I missed you Chancelor." I held out the r dramatically and clung onto him like a bat.

He laughed and pushed me away but still held onto my hips. "Aight, Lani. Leave me alone."

I giggled. I opened my mouth to say something but I got cut off by the familiar ringtone of my phone. I excused myself and jogged to the kitchen where my phone was charging. Camila's name flashed on my screen. I rolled my eyes and slid the button to answer the call.

"Yes, can I help you?" I answered, annoyed.

"Lani, hey." She breathed out. I can tell she's smiling right now.

"Yes Camila, can I help you?" I repeated.

"Oh yeah," she cleared her throat. "I just wanted to say sorry about yesterday. I-"

"Bae, where all your food at?!" I heard Chance yell from the pantry.

I laughed, forgetting about Camila on the phone. "I hid them from you!" I laughed again when I heard him groan.

"Who's that?" Camila asked, the jealousy in her voice is very obvious.

I sighed, "his name is Chance."

"Is he like a cousin?" She asked.

"No, Camila, he's a friend." I said.

"Oh." I heard her mutter. "Well I gotta go."

Before I could say anything, she hung up. I rolled my eyed and put down my phone. Drama Queen.

"What was that all about?" Chance said. He found my chip stash that I thought I hid well.

"Fat ass, stop eating all my food," I laughed. "And that was Camila." He knew who she was because one time he found an old picture I still had of her in my room.

"You still talk to her?"

I shook my head, "I just recently got back in contact and now she won't really leave me alone." I chuckled.

"What for?" He crunched.

"She keeps apologizing." I shrugged.

"Have you forgiven her?" I shook my head. "Well why not? Obviously the girl's sorry and wants to fix things."

"Some things aren't easily forgivable. How can I forgive her if she gets to go home to the girl she cheated on me with? She wins but what do I get in the end? I cant take back all my heartbreaks after that."

He was silent after that and so was I. I sighed again. "I'm just in a weird place." I told him.

He nodded, "yeah, I get it."

I quickly changed the subject after that and asked Chance if he wanted to chill. We ended watching a silly movie (with a few kisses here and there, but dont say nothin).


I was mad for some reason after my call with Lani. "Some reason" I know why I'm mad. I'm jealous. I don't remember this Chance guy while we were dating. And why is he calling her bae? WHO IS HE?

"Jealousy isn't a good color on you, Camz." Lauren teased. She was there for the phone call- I told her what happened and she told me to call her. I tell Lauren everything, I trust her.

"Shut up." I growled, rolling my eyes. Lauren put her hands up in defense, standing up from the table to fix another cup of coffee for herself.

"You need to come clean with Dinah." She said to me. She lifted the mug up to her lips, taking a sip.

"I can't do that," I sighed. "That's going to break her heart."

"You can't spare everyone feelings. Sometimes it's better to say something than to just lie to her." She rubbed my arm soothingly.

I don't understand how Lauren wasn't in a relationship. She gave great advice and should it put it to use for herself.

My relationship with Dinah was great, but now it's starting to feel dull. I love Dinah; yeah, but lately, things have taken a turn for the worse. I just don't want to be around because I'm getting bored. She's boring. She's a total catch, don't get me wrong, but not for me. I believe in soulmates and unfortunately, Dinah is not mine. Kehlani is, and now I know this. Well, I've always known, but I pushed it away for Dinah.

I had to think of something quick if I wanted Kehlani back, but there's one problem: she hates me.

"What do I do?" I frowned, asking Lauren.

She shrugged, "this one's up to you. Follow your heart. What's it saying?"

"You still love Lani, dumbass."

Lauren laughed, "okaaaay, now what's your head saying?"

"Don't hurt Dinah."

"Sometimes you just have to listen to you heart instead of your head, but other times you gotta listen to your head instead." Lauren shrugged. "This is up for you to make."

Lauren was right. I had to make a choice, neither might not come out good but I have to do something. I can't keep lying to Dinah and I cant let Kehlani keep hating me.

"Thanks Lauren." I smiled. I left her house not sure where I should go. My heart was telling me to go to Kehlani but my head was telling me to go home. I smiled knowing that Kehlani was my home.

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