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I'm so desensitized to feeling these emotions, yeah, no emotions baby


"Ally?" I pulled away and glanced between Kehlani and our old friend Ally.

"Ohmygosh!" She rushed over to us, giving is both hugs. "It's so good to see you guys and to see that y'all are still dating." She smiled.

Before we broke up, Ally had moved out of Cali to--- I forgot, but she isn't really caught up with our current situation.

"Yup." I flashed a fake smile. "Still together." I looked at Kehlani who furrowed her eyebrows.

"Ally, we're-"

"So happy to see you! How have you been?" I nudged Lani, giving her a look.

"I've been good." Ally smiled at us. "It's been so long. Are you guys married? Kids?"

Lani and I exchanged looks. "Uh, no kids and not married... yet." I said first causing Kehlani to glare at me.

Ally's pizza boxes soon were delivered to her. "Well I gotta go. We should really catch up, call me later?"

"Will do." Kehlani grinned but I knew it was fake.

The short girl waved us goodbye, leaving. As soon as she did, Kehlani used her hand to smack my arm- hard.

"Ow!" I winced.

"Why the fuck did you tell her were still together?" She growled at me. 

I shrugged. I honestly didnt have a reason as to why I told our old fried we were still together. "Well  she did catch us kissing... that wouldn't be wise of s to tell her I'm still dating Dinah."

"Dinah." She muttered. She slapped her forehead. "You kissed me and you're still dating Dinah. This is why I can't be with you Mila."

"I'll break up with her!" I quickly exclaimed. 

"Camila I can't expect you to do that." Kehlani shook her head. 

I sighed, "Lani, please." 

"Camila, I can't trust you. Not just yet."

"My feelings for you are still there. They never left. Yeah they may have went underground for a while, but they resurfaced." I told her. 

Kehlani opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it afterwards. We sat in silence for awhile as I waited for her to say something. 

"Just please think things over?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

I stood up- ready to leave. I leaned over and kissed her cheek letting my lips linger on her cheek. "I love you."

A faint smile spread across her lips. 

Part of me was waiting for her to say it back but I knew she wouldn't. At least not yet. I was gaining to make Lani love me again. It's a wrong I want to right. She loved me, but lost my trust. I love her but she doesn't trust me. 

First things first, break up with Dinah.

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