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I feel you're closer every time I call you, I call you


There was so much to think over, I've never had this much drama in my life- not even as a kid. Camila made things complicated for my life again. Am I stupid for wanting to go back to her? She hurt me and I want to go back. What if she hurts me again?

"Then that's a risk you'll have to take." I heard Mani say from the side of me. I furrow my eyebrows and look over at her. 


"You were talking out loud." She shrugged, blowing down her noodles. 

"Oh." My cheeks flushed. I didn't know I was talking about my problems with Camila aloud. 

"Do you really love Camila?" Normani asked me.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I think I'm scared to find out." 

"You said you and Camila keep meeting up with each other right?" I nod. "Next time you see her, test the waters. Think back to when you two dated and see if you still love the things about her you did when you were dating."

I nodded, slowly smiling afterwards. "Thanks Mani, I'll give her a call later."

"No problem." She smiled back, slurping in her noodles. 

"Oh!" I yelled. "Guess who I saw today?"



Normani choked on her noodles. "Short Ally? Our Ally?"

I nodded vigorously, grinning. 

"Ohmygod!" Normani exclaimed. "I havent seen her in forever," she frowned. "Ugh, I miss her."

We talk about Ally for a bit before Normani had to leave because she had made plans with Lauren to go shopping. For the next few hours, I watched tv and jotted down a few ideas for a new song to work on. The whole time Camila was on my mind, but what's new? For the past few months, she's all I've been thinking about. I need to confront my feelings. I'm just scared of getting hurt, that's pretty much all that's holding me back. 

I exhale loudly before picking up my phone that was beside, sending the cuban a text telling her to come by the house. She texted back a few minutes saying that she was on her way. I was really ready fro talk face to face again. We seem to be meeting each other a lot- I wonder if Dinah knows if anything is up. 

Not too long later, I heard a knock on the door. I braced myself before answering it. 

"Hi, Mila." I said cooly. 

"Hi, Lani." She nodded. I stepped out the way so she could come in. 

"So, um, why'd you call me here?" Camila asked. 

"I really want to be with you Camila." I admitted with my eyes closed. 

I heard her squeal. "Really?!"

"But-" I stopped. I saw her frown. "I'm really scared right now Camila. You have to understand. You've lied to me countless times and fucked your best friend while we were dating. It still hurts. And now you're with Dinah-"

"I broke up with her." 

My eyes widened as I stopped. "Y-You what?"

Camila sighed deeply before continuing. "Before I came here, I broke up with Dinah."

Wow. I didn't even know what to say. She actually did it. For me. 

"I still love you, Lani. You know that." 

 I was still so shocked I had no idea what to say. I was frozen, trying to make out words but I couldn't. Dinah must be so pissed right now. 

"Please say something." Camila begged. 

But I still had a loss of words. Worry spread across her face, I can tell. She's also playing with her fingers, she did that a lot when she was nervous. 

Since I was an idiot and couldn't make out words- I took a step closer towards the tan girl, grabbing her cheeks, crashing her lips onto mine. She was shocked at first, but quickly fell into the kiss. Normani was right. Everything came back, it never left. 

I don't want to sound cliche but the kiss defiantly had sparks. It was like the whole word when dark and millions of fireworks bursts from us. I was smiling like an idiot into the kiss. Her lips fit perfectly in between mine as our lips tried to match the rhythm of each other. My hands went to her waist, wanting her closer than ever. I never realized how much I actually craved Camila. These past few weeks have been crazy and I never noticed how in that time- all the things that I loved about her were right in from of me. She never stopped pursuing for me. 

After what felt like years, we finally pulled away from each other. Our lips were of course swollen and we were breathing mad hard. We both broke out into huge smiles. 

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I don't know exactly what this means for us, but it's a big step towards forever. 

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