Off she goes

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Chris's POV
" No please, do u have to leave?" I asked
"Wish I could stay" she replied sadly. "But I have to 'hang out ' with my bratty sisters." She picked up her bags and went over to me. "Bye" I muttered into her neck as she hugged me goodbye. Then I kissed her goodbye.
Clarisse's POV
I walked out of camp with my bags and tried not to look back I didn't want the other campers to see me cry. I will miss Chris so much. I walked about half a mile before I stopped and waited for my taxi which would take me to the air port. I waited about 3 minutes before the taxi came I got in and told him to take me to the closest air port. Then I tuned him out with my headphones.  2 and a half hours later I woke up again and got my bags out the back and paid the driver. As I was waiting to get on my plane, A boy walked by and kicked my bag.
Chris 's POV
"Hey" said Piper as she walked into my room. " how you doing"? She asked
"It's only been 4 hours since she left Im fine"
"100% positive"?
"No" I admitted "I miss her so much"
"I know you do" she said as she put an arm around me.
Clarisse's POV
"Hey watch were your going!!" I shouted.
"Really why should I?" He reapplied with a cocky smile. I stood up and realized I was a lot shorter then him. "Who do you think you are going around with your head in the clouds?" I Said back and stood up straighter. He shrunk back a bit. "You know what?" I said in a very bored way " your not worth my time" I took my bags and got on my plane. 5 hours later I arrived in Washington. I had hoped my mom and step dad weren't there by I wasn't so lucky.

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