Rick day one

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Ok here we go, Rick's first day will he make it? Hehe
Rick's POV
I groaned as I tried to turn off my alarm clock. I am an idiot. It's a Saturday and I set an alarm clock. Well now that I was awake I wouldn't be able to go back to bed. Instead I grabbed my phone and arranged that 5 of my friends come over tomorrow. Good that should be fun. I checked the time and it was 7:39 ya no way the rest of my family would be awake. I just lean back and closed my eyes for a minute. I opened my eyes and check th time thinking it would be about 7:45. 9:16!!! How did I close my eyes and sleep again, well now I should really wake up. Yum. Something smelled good down stairs. I eagerly got up and scrambled to the door. I opened it and jumped out. I almost gagged. It smelled like a mix of great bacon and eggs and disgusting perfume. Yuck. I continued down the hall when I slammed into something.
Clarrise POV
"Hey watch where your going you little punk-" I looked up and saw Rick with an amused look on his face.
"Ohh Rick umm ............sorry " I managed. I was not used to saying sorry. At camp if you got in my way you were squashed.
We continued down the hall and got our spots at the table.
Every one else seemed to enjoy the food my step dad made. Not me. I was used to the great camp food. Where you exactly what you wanted. I ate one small portion before I noticed my brother staring at me.
"What?" I say rather harsh.
"Nothing" then he gets back to eating. I can still feel him looking at me. After breakfast every one goes into their own rooms and gets ready for the day. After my shower I don't even try to scrub off the make up from Silena.
Ricks POV
I was the only one in the family who knew that Clarrise was a demigod. I knew she goes to camp half blood. But sitting there at breakfast I saw how bad it was. She had scars. Many of them on her arms and probably everywhere else. If you look into her eyes you might think she is a normal person. I know better. If you look into her eyes long enough you can see it's all a shield. A shield hiding the emotions that are really in her.  At breakfast when she looked up at me the shield wasn't there and in her eyes I could tell that parts of her were broken. I could tell that she has seen things no human should ever see. But I also saw the happiness and hope. It was a strange thing to see. But the next time she looked at me it was just the shield again.
Clarrise POV
I went to my bed and fell down onto it. I was really happy to see Rick again but I was also homesick. Which was funny because I was home. But I missed my camp, all of the friends I had. Ever since the war I had changed. I wasn't just a bully who went around pick on people. I had good friends. If you hurt one of my friend or you were and idiot then ya I would go get you. But so would the whole camp. We are all like one big family. Which then again we kinda are. I picked up my phone that Leo made and facetimed Chris. We talked for a long time. We talked until he had to go eat lunch. Lunch!! That reminded me that I had to burn a portion of my food I forgot this morning. I went down stairs and got some food. I snuck outside with no one watching. I got back up stairs again with out being seen until I once again ran into Rick.
Ricks POV
"I'm going to change your name to 'run into Rick". She said 
We went back into my room and hug out.
"Hey so your dad is ares the good of war right?" I asked
"Yes" she answered a little  cautiously.
So I changed her to a duel of wrestling. First one to have the other pinned won.
"That Hardly fair for you" she said
"Ya right in like 2 ft taller then you"
"Ok get ready GO!" I shouted
With in seconds she had me pinned.
"Ha" she said
"Ya but I could just throw you off me then I win!" I said back.
"Try" she said cockily. I tied to free my wrists but she a grip of iron. I couldn't get out. We had a few more matches and she won every time.
That  night I went to bed with many bruises. 

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