Day 1

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This is day one of how Clarisse survives at her parents house. There are 3 days
Clarisse POV
When I woke up I just put my hair up in a messy bun and went downstairs in my pjs and all. Big mistake. When I came down stairs in comfy pjs my step sisters were dressed up like Barbie dolls. Like they looked like they were meeting the Queen of all the bitchy girls in the world.
"Umm hello? Can I help you?" I ask confused.
"OMG what are you wearing?" They said in union.
"My pajamas?"
"OMG like no I cant even, no omg." She said. " like I'm done".
Just then my step dad entered he room.  "Daddy," one of my sisters said. "When can Ella come over?" They pleaded until he finally said she could come at 12 which was in 30 minutes.

After I stuffed a bagel down my neck I went upstairs to MY room and saw that my step-sisters were there sitting on my bed.
"What the Hades?"I yelled "OUT"!
"What the Hades? Really?" They asked.
"Whatever just get out." I muttered. I was just going to let them go when I saw they had been going through my Dphone 6 (Demigod phone).
"Holly Hermes you guys are so dead. "
They jumped a bit at the glare I was giving them but they shook it off. "So,"they asked. " who's Chris?"
"My boyfriend. "
They looked shocked very shocked. "You mean a boy who you are paying to be your boyfriend?" They laughed.
"Listen. There is no way any human being would EVER date you." With that they left the room.
"Ya but a demigod would. " I mutter once they left.

So after my shower i just put on some comfy clothes my CHB shirt and some jeans along with my combat boots. Then I go to the bathroom and try to scrub off the black nail polish that has been on my hand for 4 weeks after I lost a bet to Silena Beauregard. ( ya i know she is dead but let's just pretend that never happened an that Charles Beckendorf  is also alive) So after 15 minutes the black nail Polish was still stuck to my fingers.
"Schist. " i muttered.

So after about 30 minutes I went back to my room to see that my bratty STEP sisters (we get it they're not your real sisters) were in my room again.
" What are you guys doing here again?" I asked.
"Well it turns out that Ella is coming in 1 hour instead of now, so we decided that you need a makeover. " they said
"Wait wha-" I was cut off by them dragging me into there room. I almost gagged at the smell. It was even worse then the smell of Aphrodite. They pulled me into their closet and sat me in a chair. So ya i could have just pushed them away and made a run for it but I figured it cant be worse then the time i beat up Jason Grace and got a make over that last me 2 months from Piper McLean. So I just sat there and they went in the closet and got out a really dumb dress. "Here put it on. " they said.
I groaned but did as they said. So when I got out of the freaking changeling room INSIDE of the their closet, they set me back in the chair and tried to take off the nail polish.
"OMG its black the nail Polish is freaking black that is so nasty. "
"Why is it not coming off?"
I tried not to laugh. Soon they gave up and started to do my makeup.
"Ok so you actually have a little make up on thats a start. " they said.
"WHAT? Wait ohh yeah." I remembered along with the black nail polish part of the dare was that I had to wear Eyeliner and slight eye shadow. I was not happy. The dare ended a week ago yet i still had the makeup and the nail polish. Ugg. Soon they finished the makeup. They seemed very proud of themselves. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.
"Holy Hermes I look like a stupid Barbie doll!" With that I ran to my bathroom and changed back into my own clothes. Then I washed off the pink nail polish the just painted per my black one. As I thought my black one stayed on. Then I washed of all 3 Inches i makeup they put on my face. To my disappointment the eyeliner and eyeshadow from Silena stayed on.

Then as i tied the bandanna in my hair. (See the picture in the beginning) the doorbell rang.
"OMG ITS ELLIE!!" My step sisters shrieked. Ella came in and the second my mom and step dad left the room she stare to criticize my outfit.
"At least i can sit down without worrying my outfit will split in two" i spat back. After that they left me alone.  As they went down stairs and talked I went up to my room and Face timed Silena. She was still my best friend after all. I was up in my room when my mom came in and sat on my bed with me.
"Hey" she said. My mom was the only person in my family that tried to be nice to me. My step brother was the only one in my family who knew that I was a demigod and that my father was Ares. He was really nice to me we were really close before I went to camp and he joined the military.
"Hey" i answered her.
"Here I brought you lunch Ella is going to stay for dinner." I groaned at that.
"I also have a surprise for you!"
"What?" I asked.
"Rick is coming home tomorrow."
With that she left. I was so excited i couldn't wait for my step brother Rick to come home. I hope he is okay and that he didn't get hurt. I lay on my dad and went back to face time Silena until my dad yelled at me to come down stairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back. I took my time and told Silena to tell the camp i say hi. Then I got down stairs and got my food and ate as I listened to my step sisters  talk with Ella. My thoughts strayed to Rick. I was finally gonna see him again after 5 years. He would be 25 years old now. Wow. He was a lot older then me. I was only 16 and my step sisters were already 18. Then I realized that on Friday it was Chris's Birthday, he would be turning 17. 
"Clarisse!" My step dad's voice snapped my out of my thoughts.
"I asked you a question. " he said.
"I wasn't listening so if you want answer ask the question again. " I snapped back.
"I asked you 'how is this camp you go to instead of staying with your family'?"
"Ohh umm camps great its lots of fun" i reply trying not to laugh.
"Whats so funny?" My dad asked
"Well camp is fun if you don't get killed thats all. " with that i left my seat and took my plate in that kitchen and went to my room leaving them very confused and shocked.
There you guys go day one of three the next day Clarisse's brother comes.

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