That Night

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At night a monster attacks. Will Clarrise defeat it with out waking the others?
Ricks POV
I woke up to a light crash and the sound of Clarrises violent stream of curses. I turned around to see what was happening and what I did see scared me out of my skin. I saw Clarrise fighting a giant lizard looking thing. She was a great fighter. I sat there in awe watching her until the thing sliced her in the arm. I saw her bite her tongue not to scream. To avoid waking the others. 
" I thought you were stronger then that" it hissed. Then the scariest thing of my life happened, the monster hit Clarrise in the head and she fell over to the ground. But as she fell she slashed through the monster with her sword
and it turned to yellow dust.
Clarrise's POV
I felt a sharp pain in a the side of my head and the next thing I knew I was on the ground surrounded in yellow dust and a very scared Rick. I laughed to myself but winced because of the pain in my head.
"Ohh no. Ohh my god. Clarrise?" He muttered. "Ohh what should I do??!"
"Chris. " is all I say before my world went black.
Ricks POV
Chris? What the hell is that supposed to mean. Ohh. Wait. I ran to her phone and guessed the password right. I scrolled through her contacts. No. No. No. Yes!!! Chris!! He called the number. The guys picked up on the first ring. Wow. It was 12:34 in the morning. 
"Hello?" I yelled into the phone.
"Ya what's wrong. Is Clarrise ok?" He asked slightly scared. I told him what had happened.  I could tell that he was panicked.
" umm grab that canteen that's on her desk and pour some into her mouth. " he ordered. I did exactly what he asked. After that I thanked him and  hung up. Then I put Clarrise in her bed and realized that the cut on her head was gone. Umm the drink maybe. After I made sure Clarrise was safe again in her bed I went to sleep with many nightmares.

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