The Arrival

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Here we go Clarisse meets her family for the first time in 7 years.
Disclaimer - own nothing
Clarisse POV
"Hey. " I smiled weakly at my family.
"Ugg look at her hair." Said Micky. My bratty half sister.
"Ya it's so nasty " said Vicky. "All the dirt and, ugg no please tell me thats not a bandanna in her hair. Ugg no way Im done."

I sighed and walked to the car. When we got there my parents showed me my room. It was a simple empty room that had a small mattress in the middle. "Thanks. " I said. I stayed upstairs in my room until I got yelled at to go down stairs for dinner. I sat there and poked at my food. "Not to be rude but what is this?" I asked poking at the lump of food on my plate.
"Meet loaf." Said my step dad plainly.
I still didn't believe him. After dinner I went right up to bed, and face timed Chris.
Sry that was short but I ran out of ideas

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