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Ricks POV
That morning Clarisse acted just like nothing had happened. What?! When I tried to talk to her she just waved me off like it was nothing. For the rest of the day she locked her self in her room.
Clarrises POV
How? How had a normal weak monster beat her unconscious? She couldn't get herself to talk to Rick. She also ignored all of Chris's text messages asking if she was ok. She just sat on her bed and did nothing.
Chris's POV
Had he done something wrong? She didn't answer a single text. Until now:
Hey are u ok?
U sure?
Clarisse , talk to me
It's just how did it beat me?
It was a tough one don't get down on your self.
After that she didn't answer. That's when my door opened and Silena walked in. She read my texts and got teary eyed.
"You need to go pick her up as soon as you can. "
I just look up at her. My own eyes tearing up. I looked at my desk where there were pictures of us together and the tears started coming out. When I looked back at Silena she was packing bags for me.
"You need to go get her now. "
Rick's POV
To my surprise Clarrise came down for lunch. She didn't say anything until the door bell rang. A very scary punk girl walked in.
"Thals!" Clarisse jumped up to huge the girl.
"Sup?" They talked for a while. Then all of a sudden the girls cursed colorfully. "Umm hey look I got to go, bye!" She yelled as she stumbled out the door. (Wonder where she went? Check out the story by Mac_ attack_323)
Clarrise didn't seem fazed as she shut the door. "What?" She said as she relized we were all staring and her.
After dinner she stayed down stairs, but went upstairs to watch a movie. I went up and watched it with her. We were watching the Princess Bride. ( it's a really good movie. Anyone seen it? If you haven't you should check it out. The title makes it sound like a bad movie but it's really good) Half way through the movie, just as Vincinie   And The man in black were having their 'battle of wits', the door bell rang. Who was that?
Chris 's POV
I stood in front of the door. Just as I rang the door bell two girls that looked like they were attending a royal ball stepped in front of  me.
"Who's this cutie?" They ask.
"Umm"   In the background an older boys eyes went wide and he told them to back off. Not more than 10 seconds later Clarisse was in my arms.  I held on to her tightly and kissed her. As I pulled back she had tears in her eyes.
" I missed you " she whispered.
"I'm taking you home right now.  " I said just as quietly.
"No you aren't. " said her step father. Rick just pushed past him and handed Clarisse her bags. I liked this kid. Clarrise whispered something in his ear and hugged him good bye.
Not more then 5 minutes later I was in my car with Clarrise riding shotgun. I finally had her back.

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