Rick's arrival part 2

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Hey guys sorry it been a while. And i still haven't gotten my new phone just yet😕. So here u go.
Rick's POV
As I stood there waiting for someone to answer the door i checked my reflection. Okay I looked half way nice.  Just then the door flung open.
Clarisse's POV
My heart almost stopped when I herd the door bell ring. Rick! I jumped off my bed and scrambled to the door. I was half way down the stairs when I gave up and jumped the rest of the way. I ripped open the door and literally jumped on Rick.
"Rick you came!" I shouted
" How could I not have to come see my step sis. " he replied. Right then my mom cleared her throat and I untangled my self from my step brothers hug.  He stepped inside and looked at me.
"Have you shrunk?" He asked.
I punched his shoulder. Hard.
"Owww" he mocked.
"When did this happen? How are u so tall?" I asked as i stood up straighter.
Rick's POV
I laughed as she tried to make herself taller.
"Ya not happening. " i laughed. I went over i hug my mom and my dad.
"I missed you guys so much. " I said
"I know honey we missed you too. " they replied.
Just then the door opened and just as fast it slammed shut. The strange punk girl i saw earlier was standing there with her back pressed up against the door.
"Thalia!" Clarisse yelled. "What are you doing here?"
"Wait Clarisse you know her?" My dad asked
"From camp" was her only reply " again what are u doing here?"
"Hiding from the Stolls ." This girl Thalia replied.
"Haha wimp they cant hurt you" Clarisse replied.
Just then two boys, they looked the exact same knocked   On the window.
"Gotta go" Thalia replied
"Okay bye Thals" Clarisse replied 
With that the girl left and my while family jut stared at her
"What" she said.
"Nothing" we all replied. They helped me get my stuff into my room. Then my sister Emma asked-
"Hey which one of your friends is really hot and give me his number."
Did she really just ask that? I look over at Clarisse and she jut sighed.  This was going to be a long week

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