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Whoa I completely forgot I had wattpad! 😕  ( the pic is me during EVERY movie.)
Clarrises POV
Walking into camp was the best thing that had happened to me in a long time. The second we stepped through the barrier, a very familiar smell hit me. The smell of long strawberry fields and lots of flowers. But also the smell of metal and sweat. It was the smell of Camp Half-Blood. I saw a large group of my friends and ran to them.
Chris's POV
She was so happy. And just looking at her smile was amazing.  I ran after her. She hugged all of her friends and punched Jackson when he made a funny remark about the fact that the great, scary Clarisse was actually smiling.

The Stolls already played a prank on her.
Clarrises POV
Gods she was gonna kill the Stolls. They already pranked her. I grabbed my knife. Then I dropped it and smiled. Everything was back to normal. I laughed and jumped on my bed. Then Chris came in.
Travis Stoll POV
I snuck up to Clarrises door. I was about to open it when I heard Chris's voice. S*** I got up and ran for my life. If Chris knew I was going to try and prank Clarrise again, he was gonna kill me.
Ricks POV
The house was quiet with out Clarrise there. I missed her. A lot.  After another silent dinner I grabbed my keys and got in my car. Clarrise told me an easy way to get to Camp Half Blood. I turned over a certain rock in my backyard and a tunnel appeared. I made sure no one was watching and jumped in it. Thanks to Clarisse's friend Annabeth Chase the labyrinth was now a safe travel way for the Demigods. I walked about 1/2 a mile before I jumped out of the tunnels. I stood in front a large arch. On it there were thing written in a different language. Greek. I stood at the entrance to Camp Half Blood.
Clarrises POV
I was running around in the woods when I stopped dead in my tracks. There as a mortal standing outside of the gates. But not just any mortal. My brother. I ran up to him and held my finger to my mouth. Shhhhhh. I dragged him away from the gates.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!" I whisper yelled at him. He flinched at my tone of voice.
"I didn't get a chance to say bye before your scary boyfriend dragged you away."
My shoulders sagged.
"Rick, you know that no mortal is allowed near camp."
" I know "
" ok you have to leave now. "
" Clarrise-"
"Rick. Leave. " I hugged him tight before I walked into camp.
That night I could not stop thinking about Rick. I decided I would go talk to him in the morning.  But for now I was happy to be back at camp. I looked at my door as Chris walked in. He wordlessly lay down in bed next to my and wrapped his arms around me. I cuddled into him.  I was happy to be back home!!

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