Ricks arrival part 1

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Hey guys as I promised here is the update. And forget what i said about there being only 3 days ill make a few more no worries. 😎Also do me a quick favor and check out the story the 'Chase cousins' Mac_attack_323 my sister wrote it and its when Annabeth meets her cousin Magnus chase( from ricks new book) and her secret that she is a demigod is reveled. It is a pretty cool fanfic so ya go check it out. 😎
Rick's POV
So when I was on the plane to go see my family again. I was excited yet a little scared. Why? Because it had been    5 Years since i have seen my step sister Clarisse. I and the only person in our family who knows her secret. I was scared that she changed from being the girl so knew. I was scared that camp, whats it called? Camp half blood had changed her.
Clarisse's POV
"What is that noise?!" Chris said threw my laptop.
"It's my alarm clock. Wow did we really stay up all night face timing?" I groaned
"I guess we did. " He replied. " Anyways I have to go now. "
"Okay bye. " I yawned
" I love you, bye. " he answered.
I hope I need the call before he saw my face turn dark red. Seeing the slight smirk on his face before I hung up I'm guessing i was a little to slow.

I staggered into the bathroom and had a shower that seemed really short but when I got out i realized that i had been in there for 45 minutes. After I had a quick sip of nectar i felt much more awake.

I when went down stairs i saw my step sister and some random guy making out on the couch. I turned to see that my mom was just standing in the kitchen like it wasn't happening at all. I just grabbed a slice of toast and ran upstairs. I looked back at my step sister and gagged. It was almost as gross as watching percabeth. Though percabeth was cute. This here was just gross. I stayed upstairs in my room for the next few hours.
Chris's POV
I turned off my computer with a smirk on my face. I had gotten Clarisse to blush so bad it was so funny. I must have been laughing to myself cause at that moment Silena ran in. " what happened?" She asked " did you do it?"
All I did was nod. It had been her idea that I told Clarisse that i love her even though i do it all the time she blushes every. Single. Time. And Silena thinks its absolutely funny. And I agree.
Rick's POV
I was in the car drumming my fingers to the music i was listening to when the driver stopped suddenly. I looked up as a girl, no older then 15 run passed the car that lightning speed. She was no ordinary girl she was the biggest punk i have ever seen. I mean she was scary. And her eyes were the most electric blue i have ever seen. (If you didn't get it by now the girl is Thalia Grace) I decided to ignore it. Then about 1/2 an hour later the driver stopped at our house. I got my few bags and rang the doorbell and waited.

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