Chapter 3

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✧ Alison Becker ✧

I woke up for another day of work.

Ariana offered to drive me today but I politely declined the offer.

I was fighting the urge to sleep as I drove to the Starbucks across the street from my work. I needed coffee bad right now.

I was also late for work. This isn't me. What's going on?

I pulled into the parking lot of my work and walked across the street.

A car came racing towards me. I just stood there in terror, not knowing what to do.

Just get out of the fucking way before you get yourself killed!

Well my conscience was right, except I couldn't move a muscle. It felt like something was holding me down so I couldn't move.

Everything was a blur after that. There was a shout as two strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me back.

I began to breathe heavily a look around. I looked up to see Matthew. "You almost died, Aly!" He pulled me into a hug.

I then began to hug back and held onto him like my whole life depended on it.

"Y-you just saved my life again, Matthew." I cried into his shoulder. He held my head there, trying his hardest to calm me down.

I missed his arms so much. I never wanted to let go. I felt something that I haven't felt in a while.


✧ Matthew Espinosa ✧

Aly cried into my shoulder as I consoled her. If I hadn't been walking up the street she would've just died.

What would I have done then?

"Y-you just saved my life again, Matthew." She whispered. I smiled and looked her in the eye.

"You wanted Starbucks right?" I asked.

She nodded slightly with a grin. "You know me too well."

"Of course I do. Let's go. I was jut headed there too."

Unexpectedly, her small hand made her way into mine. We walked hand in hand into Starbucks. I told her to sit down and I went up to order.

I ordered her peppermint mocha and my coffee.

As soon as it was ready I handed her drink to her and she took a sip.

"You remembered." She looked down. My cheeks began to heat up. "Yeah." I grinned.

"Now let's get you to work." She slowly stood up and we walked towards the work building.

"Well hey there you two." Gilinsky smirked. "You know-" Johnson started. "That was quite the scene back there." Sammy interrupted.

I went to look at Aly but she was already strutting away to her office. I signed and looked back at the guys.

"Just give it time, man." Gilinsky patted my back and everyone went to get back to work.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the time.


Holy shit I have to get to shooting.

I thought about it for a little and decided to ask if Aly would like to watch.

First I had to ask Gilinsky if I could get her out of work.

He agreed almost instantly and I made my way to Aly's office. It was pretty nice. Really organized.

"Do you need something?" She asked. I looked up and nodded. "I came here to ask if you wanted to come to shooting with me. It's the first day and I wanted to know if you were interested in joining me? Gilinsky said it was fine." The words came pouring out of my mouth at a rapid pace.

She smiled and shook her head. "Yeah. I guess." She walked ahead of me and looked back. "You coming or what? I thought this was your movie." She chuckled and motioned towards herself.

✧ Alison Becker ✧

We arrived at Towns Square. Apparently they were filming here.


I can't believe how far he's come since 2014.

"Hello Matt." Said a woman who looked all too familiar. The woman embraced Matthew into a hug and held him like her life depended on it.

She looked over his shoulder and her eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Alison Becker?!" She looked at me in disbelieve.

"Gracie baby it's been too long." I said in the most fake yet believable voice possible.

Grace Barber.

My High School fake friend and the whore who fucked my boyfriend. I should've known graduation day wouldn't be the last time I've seen her.

But a girl can dream right?

To my surprise, she hugged me. "I'm sorry for everything I did to you in High School. I was an immature girl looking for attention. Forgive me?" She said pulling away.

I didn't buy any of that. But I had to put all of my childhood acting classes to some use.

"That's all in the past, Grace. I've moved on." I flashed a fake smile and she gave me another quick hug.

A man who looked like the director walked up to us three and his face lit up when he saw me.

"Alison Becker! I love your work. Your writing skills are absolutely stunning. And it's an honor to have you here." He beamed. I couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you. Matthew brought me here. While they're filming where should I go?" I asked. "Oh right. You see that chair over there? Just pull that up next to mine." He smiled.

"Wow. I get a front row seat?" I joked.

He chuckled and began talking to Matthew and Grace.

This was going to be a long day.


this was kind of just a filler chapter so i'm sorry if it sucked. the next chapters gonna be a little crazy so get ready for that!

please comment feedback! i would love to know if i should make any changes or anything like that.

and also vote and follow me!

love you guys :)

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