Aiden Pov
"Baby when are we going to get married?"Zendaya asked as we laid in bed.I looked down at her and said "isn't it for me to know when we're getting married?Just go with the flow baby." She sat up on me,straddling me.She crossed her arms and said "We been together for three years and six months." I then gave her a surprised look and said"Wow you really on top of the date,how many days?" She rolled her eyes and got off me but I grabbed her hand."Aiden let go of me."she said pulling away.I then let go."We already act like we married so why does it matter,oh you want a ring don't ya?I'll get you one it'll be bigger than Ashlen's and Ansley's." I said."you know what,you just scared to get married,that's all."she said."Me?scared?Nahhh"I said laughing."Yess,you scared of commitment."She said."You said we been together Three years and six months,that don't sound like commitment to you?"I said."I mean real commitment to where you can't just break up with me cause you didn't get your way.You can't take lil breaks,we stuck in this forever."she said."I can be in a real commitment."I said smiling."So why you ain't proving it."She said."Can you stop questioning me,I will marry you when I wanna marry you .If you such in a rush to get married you go find me a ring and propose to me."I said becoming a little aggravated.I then got out of bed,cause I remember I had to go see ma."Where you going?"she asked."To see my ma."I said."Alright."She said.I then got dressed and left to go to ma house.
Once I got there I saw dads car there.I know exactly why he here.So I knocked on the door and ma opened it,wrapped up in a silk robe.I sighed and said "Ma you should want better for yourself." She then said "what you mean?" I then said"I know dad is in your room,I saw his car.You don't see nothing wrong with the fact you're fu**ing around with a married man,you don't recall when you said You hate home wreckers,but you being one right now."She turned red as she said "Mind your business ."I then said"Ma I'm ashamed of you.Never would have expected this from you.Dad was doing just fine when you wasn't here.Val is probably home crying because she's losing the man she loves to you.Ashton is put in the same predicament Ashlen,Ansley,and I had to go through.He has to deal with seeing his mom in her room crying cause dad is hurting her emotionally .Dad you not a real man at all,you still in a little boy mindset!" Dad then came in the room and said "who the fu** you talking to nigga,don't you disrespect me nor your mom." I then said "I'm not being disrespectful,I'm telling the truth." I then left as ma started crying and dad tried to comfort her.That sh** is so childish.Dad deserves to be lonely with no wife cause All he does is cheat.Dad honestly must think marriage is a game.And it just hurts me and making me emotional because I know how it must feel for Ashton cause it was once me.Seeing dad leave all types of times and wondering if he'll coming back.Hearing mama crying in her room.Mama having to find out dad cheating on her.Shi* not cool.I love my dad to death he raised me and was always there for me so why wouldn't I,I just don't like how he treat his wife.Thats just him.And he knows what he's doing cause he made songs about it,no love,you deserve better,and i luv this shi*. It's not cool at all.I went back home mad asf."What's wrong with you little boy."Daya said."Don't wanna talk bout."I said as I walked past her and went in our room.I then called Val.
Phone call
Val-*sniffs*hey AidenMe-Hey val
Val-What can I do for you hun.
Me-I was wondering if I can pick Ashton up tomorrow to spend big brother and little brother time.
Val-of course you can.
Val-Do you know where your dad is?
Do I snitch on my dad or not.Now I'll be put in this,I'm allowing him to get away with this shi*.
Me-.......No,I don't know where he is.
It was a white lie cause I don't know if he still there or not.
Val-*sniffs*Alright thank you.
Me-Welcome bye
End Of call
Man I'm upset with myself and I had a few words for dad.So I called him.Phone call
Dad-What AidenMe-You really aint sh**,treating females who love you wrong.Playing them both,you too old for this shi*,this some high school shi* you playing.I had to lie to Val to save your a**.I had to listen to her sniffing knowing damn well she was crying cause you out and about.And it just reminded me of the days you had ma crying.Thats not cool.This is gonna impact Ashton just like it impacted me so you need to get your shi* together.And you wanna say I wish I didn't treat your mom like this and stuff like that but you haven't changed nothing,you deserve to be alone.*hangs up*
End Pov
"Whats the fu**ing point of being married if you gon still cheat or lose interest in the person"I said."Thats why you don't wanna get married cause you worry that It will turn out like your parents marriage." Daya said."I guess say whatever you wanna say."I said.The next day I picked up Ashton and we went to the basketball court.Then we went for lunch."So how you been."I said as I took a sip of my soda."Alright." Ashton said as he stirred his drink around with his straw."How you feel about everything." I asked."Well ever since your mom came back dad been leaving us to see her.Ma doesn't think I know but I do.And I believe she knows he's there too.Thats why she's always crying.And whenever dad is here,they always argue.And after the arguments ma would come lay in bed with me.And as she cries I just hug her and we'll go to sleep or dad would be put out and he leaves the house.It just hurts to see my mom cry.But dad told bout how they might get an divorce."Ashton said. I sighed and said "I understand how you feel I felt that same way.He treated my mom just like that too.But don't let that get to you.Don't grow up and be like him ,be better.Just think About the positive things he does do.Learn from his mistakes.And if you ever need to talk or just to chill,just call." Ashton then said "Alright thank you."I then said"welcome lil bro." All Ashton needs is a positive role model that will teach him to treat women right.Thats why Stephen,Klay,and I spoil our girls and treat them like queens so he knows how things should be.I wish he'd go over Ashlen's house more often so he can see how well Stephen treats her.He's the definition of a real man,just like Klay is.They love my sisters and treat them real well.I've never heard bad news about them and my sisters tell me everything so if they treated them wrong they'll tell me but I haven't gotten one bad report.Thats what Ashton needs to be around,

We Need Each Other
Fanfiction*Read Lay Me Down, Lay me down 2: Yours forever, Lay me down 3, and Lay me down 4:Without you, All grown up* Aiden learns that Family is Family. That he'll need that shoulder to lean on and to talk too.We need each other.