Little Princesses

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Aiden Pov
Lord, my girls are a handful. The oldest ,Ava'Marie, swear she's an adult. She'll get in adult conversation and talk to you like she's an adult. The middle, Ana'Maria, she a wild one. You would have thought she ate candy for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.The youngest, Aja'Mariane, she's too curious. She tried looking in my pants while I was sleep , but I woke up before she could and she once pulled up Cassie's shirt.So we have to keep an eye on her before she gets too curious and hurt herself.

"Oooh you thought you was grown when you was only 4. Your Auntie Ashlen taught you how to pose like her and one day you came home talking like her." I said. Ava'Marie started giggling and said "what you mean thought? I'm a grown woman " "No you not little girl." I said.She rolled her eyes and said "Whatever."

I showed her the picture Ashlen took of her when she was 4.

I showed her the picture Ashlen took of her when she was 4

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"You kinda favor Ashlen when she was that age."I said."Duh, that's my auntie"she said ."You look like a duh."I said."No you look like a duh,daddy."she said laughing.

"You growing so fast kiddo you was just 4 now you 9 going on 20. But to me age ain't nothing but a number cause I still see my little baby.You ain't change that much, you just got taller, your eyebrows got more full,and you like your hair down more."I said.

"I'm growing fast cause I'm Grown."she said.
"No,you be grown once you hit 21."I said.
"Not uh, Ashton said once we turn 18 we'll be grown."she snapped back.
"But you're not grown, you're only nine."I said.
"Break the 18 apart and you get an one and eight.If you add them up, you get a nine. So I get to be grown."she said.

"Smart thinking, so I'll use it on you. Once you turn 10 I'll treat you like a 1 year old cause 1 and 0 makes 1. Trust me you don't wanna be grown, stay a kid as long as you can."I said.

Lea sent me a picture of Aja'Mariane in her dress I bought her.

Lea sent me a picture of Aja'Mariane in her dress I bought her

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Text Convo
Me-lol what's in her mouth?

Lea- a cherry

Me-Aye you can drop her off over here?

Lea-yea, I guess I'll be there in 20 minutes.

Me-Aight thanks.

End of convo.

I planned on taking the girls out for father daughters date. Cause my baby's deserve to be treated like spoiled princesses.

Minutes later Zendaya dropped off Ana'Maria. I swear Ana'Maria is such a character.

"Daddy you like my shoes?" Ana'Maria asked as she tapped her feet together.
"Yea, they're ducks. Your mom let you dress yourself again?"I asked.
"Yep, you like?"she said spinning around.
"Of course, I like the mixed patterns ."I said.
"Take a picture then daddy."she said smiling. She ran to the bjg teddy bear that sat in the area the kids played in. I took a Picture of her.

Aja'Mariane finally made it and she was energetic today

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Aja'Mariane finally made it and she was energetic today. I had them all take a picture together. Man they all look different. Different personalities, different looks, and different mothers. Damn if I get Cassie pregnant she'll be the fourth baby mama, but I need a baby boy😩.

"Daddy I need my nails done." Ava'Marie said. "Me too daddy."Ana'Maria said showing me her nails that were already done.
"Chunks your nails are already done."I said laughing.
"You don't see they chipping daddy?"she said.
"Alright chunks."I said.

We left to go to the nail salon. "Daddy you getting your nails done too?"Ava'Marie said giggling. "Yep, daddy can't have ugly feet .So daddy is gonna get a pedicure ." I said as I sat in the seat and sat Aja'Mariane in my lap. They painted her toes and nails pink as the girls got their manicures and pedicures. "Don't put your hands in your mouth munchkin, that's nasty." I said taking Aja'Mariane hand from away from her mouth before she could put it in there.
"You like the bubbles."I asked Aja'Mariane as she looked at the bubbles the jets caused. She watched me put my feet in the water.Her being curious she tried to get out my lap and put her feet in, but I held her back. Plus the water was hot she would have been crying if I let her.

"Daddy my water is changing colors." Ana'Maria said."its lights in there duck."Ava'Marie said." I know that cow." Ana'Maria said."Aye stop being mean to each other. Say sorry." I said.

"Quack quack quack." Ava'Marie said."Say sorry Ava'Marie."I said sternly. "I did, in a language she can understand."Ava'Marie said.
"Mooo moooo mooo." Ana'Maria said as Aja'Mariane giggled."whatchu said."I said. "Sorry Cow." Ana'Maria said. "Well at least y'all said sorry."I said sighing. Aja'Mariane started mooing as she giggled.

"Aww are these all your daughters." A lady who was also getting her nails done. "Yes ma'am." I said. "They have different moms?" She asked. "Yes, they do." I said." They gorgeous."she said."thank you."Ava'Marie and Ana'Maria said."thanks."I said for Aja'Mariane.

"Daddy you like my toes and nails." The girls said as they came to me. Ava'Marie had green nails with glitter on it. Ana'Maria had purple and pink nails with glitter on them. " yea they are."I said. Once their nails was dry I paid for it and we left.

"What we doing next daddy." Ana'Maria said. "I'm taking yal to the mall so yal can get dresses and get some more jewelry. Cause every princess needs a pretty dress and jewelry right?"I said. They got excited."Can we get tiaras too?!"Ana'Maria asked.

We made it to the mall and each of them got six dresses. Got them some shoes.I took them to the jewelry lady. Got them real diamond earrings and necklaces. I also got them Tiaras that's more than my whole collection of Jordans . They should be lucky I love them so much.
"Thank you daddy." Ava'Marie and Ana'Maria said. "Yayou dadda." Aja'Mariane said. "Welcome, anything for you all. I love yal don't forget.Daddy gon be there for you always. When need something you just tell me."I said as I drove them over to my parents house ."Daddy why we can't stay with you tonight?" Ava'Marie said." Cause daddy gotta get on the road for his basketball game. "I said. The girls started crying.

"I don't want you to go daddy you be gon for months." Ana'Maria said.
"I'll FaceTime yal every night and call after every game, ok?"I said."Promise?" Ava'Marie said."Promise." I said.

"I love yal." I said. " Love you too." Ava'Marie said as she gave me a kiss.
"Love you too daddy." Ana'Maria said as she wiped her tears. She gave me a kiss also. I gave Aja'Mariane a kiss and said"love you." She replied saying "wuv wuh tew."
They waved goodbye as I got back in the car and left.

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