*Read Lay Me Down, Lay me down 2: Yours forever, Lay me down 3, and Lay me down 4:Without you, All grown up*
Aiden learns that Family is Family. That he'll need that shoulder to lean on and to talk too.We need each other.
"Yo whaddup ,where you at Aids!"I heard a familiar voice say.Then I hear laughs.
Next thing you know my friends from high school come into the room. "Damn this what the married with kids life is like? Staying deep in a room playing video games?"Mike said.
"Nah how the fuck yal get in my house though?"I said.
"Key under the mat method."Brandon said.
"Shit."I said.
"You look like a little ass kid with that Tom &Jerry shirt on and playing Mario Karts."Mike said as they laughed.
"Mike you look fruity with that floral hat, wanna be instagram model headahh jit, James you look like you could be Frank ocean cousin Frank Lakes, and Brandon you look like Russell Simmons, so yal have no space to be coming for me." I said as we all laughed.
"Man how you been, we had to check on ya cause you done went ghost."
"Man a lot of shit been happening, I got a baby on the way and it's not Cassie's baby. It's that girl I use to always talk about a lot at basketball practice,that went to college with My sister. I don't know if I want to be with her or Cassie. Cassie on the edge of divorcing me. So much going on."
"Damn man, what you gonna do, what ya sister say about it."James said.
"What my sister gotta do with this, her opinion is invalid, this not her problem."I said.
"I was just asking cause we always known you to go to her for advice and she's always helped you make decisions."Brandon said.
"I have a mind of my own, I'm handling shit on my own." I said.
"Where has that gotten you?"James said.
"Caged in a room playing Mario carts."Mike said laughing.
"Man I know what I'm doing."I said.
"Ok Bro."Mike said.
Mike pulled out his phone and turned his snapchat on "yall Aids not dead he just been living in his game room playing video games!"
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"Dawg we taking you out, you need to live a little."Mike said.
"Shit I'm down, lets go"I said throwing the controller down and getting up."Ayyee T up"
"Damn we can't be out too late, I gotta get my girls from they mama house."I said.
"What time the latest?" James said.
"1:00am"I said.
"That's wassup."Mike said. I ran to get dressed and freshen up.
Then we was out.
We was having a good fucking time at some club, getting drunk, well except Brandon, he's our ride home. Shit was popping, ass was shaking, and bottles after bottles. You already know my phone was being blown up by Cassie and the babymamas.
We didn't get my daughters til 2:30am. "Daddy what the fudge wrong with you?"Ava'Marie asked sitting next to me in the trunk of Mikes car.
I laughed and said "Did you just cuss ?"
"No dad"She said."Oh I thought so, thought I was gonna have to karate chop ya ass." I said as Ana'Maria sat in between my legs and I held Aja'Mariane as she slept.
"Man don't tell y'all mamas about this, they'll kill me. You don't want your father to die do you? You heard me Ava'Marie? You heard me Ana'Maria? You heard me Aja'Mariane?"I said. "Dad I'm the only one up right now."Ava'Marie said.
"Wait if we're the only ones awake, who's driving the car?"I said.
"Dad just shush."Ava'Marie said.
Finally making it home. Brandon helped us get into the house while the other guys were knocked out in the car.
After tucking the girls in their beds I went up to my room. Where I found Cassie and her nigga in my bed. I was too intoxicated to be pissed, worried, or mad.
"My bad yal, I was just coming to get a blanket."I said walking past them into the walk in closet. I grabbed a blanket and went back to them"Yal need anything while I'm up."I said laughing."Nah we good." He said.
"Hey aren't you P diddy, it's getting hot in here so take off all your clothes, wait that's not your song, that's nelly, shit uhh I was bout to call ya 50 cent, damn can't think of one songs right now."I said."I'm just gonna give yal privacy."I said before walking out the door and closing it.
I slept right on the foot of Ava'Marie bed that night, and the next morning that nigga and Cassie was gone.