7: Sunday To Thursday

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I packed my clothes for a week. No no darling not packed my clothes for a week. As in how many clothes I had. I'm not that spoilt to take such a long time to pack.

Anyways, I threw in all my favourite clothings as I don't want to embarrass myself infront of my schoolmates. I don't know what gender this person is but if it is a girl, I don't want her to insult my fashion taste still. If it's guy, yeah, you should know what I mean.

On Thursday:

Momma drove me to their house and it was really beautiful. It is just like ours but way better! Momma pressed the bell and waited until a woman spoke up: Hello this is the Anderson residents how can I help you?

" Hello Anna, it's me April! " Momma excitedly said, " What a long time I haven't seen in you in years! "

Mrs. Anderson immediately opened the golden gates well legit, except I still think is sprayed. Oopsies, I'm sorry.

Their home was beautiful, it isn't furnished as much but it was still beautiful. Classic I call it.

" Kids, come on down! " Mrs. Anderson calls out.

" Mommy, brother is disturbing me again! " She crossed her arms and pouted. Aww isn't she cute!!
And then the girl realized we were here, she hid behind Mommy's thighs.

" Lewis! Come down or you will be grounded for two weeks, no video games as well in your tv room! "

Momma chuckled at her disciplinary, " Do you have to do that everyday? "

" Maybe, " she winks at Momma while she picked the little girl up, " We really need to catch up on loads of things! I will ask Lewis to show her around. Lewis!! "

I heard light footsteps coming down the stairs and I thought it would be a another child but it was slow and steady not like when the little came down.

" Well, hello there; princess. "

I know its super obvious who is it but it doesn't matter its how the story goes so have fun reading!!

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