|Shy Levi x Shy Reader| Tour

5.3K 142 61

{Published on} July 26th, 2016

{Word count} 1444

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Your POV

I fumble my belts nervously as I was waiting outside with my horse who was nudging my cheek for comfort. I was the new cadet to join the Scout Regiment.

'Are they going to like me? What happens if I'm too annoying?' I thought.

But no, I wasn't annoying.

A tall man with blonde hair combed back walk towards me. Behind him was a woman with a ponytail and glasses and a short man with a bored expression.

"Hi, you must be F/n. My name is Erwin Smith." He says warmly.

"Hi...." I squeak, not even able to look at any of them.

"Tch, speak up brat." Levi demands, making me jump up, frozen in my spot and my mouth clamp shut.

I wasn't annoying, or at least I hope Im not? But I'm just extremely shy...

"Pardon him, his name is Levi." Erwin says. "And I read a file about you. You excel cutting napes on Titans but have a... sort of problem with interacting with others." Erwin coughs, trying not to make it awkward.

I nod my head and putting my hands behind my back, playing with my fingers while looking down at the ground.

"Welcome to the Scout Regiment, F/n." The woman said and pats me on the shoulder. "My name is Hanji." She smiles.

I quickly nod back, still not saying anything.

"Well, Levi can show you to your room then give you a tour around." Erwin says, taking my horses reins in his hands.

Levi clicks his tongue, sounding completely annoyed. I nod my head again, grabbing my bags and running after Levi as he strides off.

As soon as I catch up to him, he suddenly stops in his tracks. He turns his head to me and his eyes widen.

"What the-"


I noticed that I wasn't slowing and I had already....


I open my eyes to see that I was LAYING ON TOP OF THE CORPORAL.

"I-I-I'm so s-s-sorry!" I say quickly, getting off of him with a flush face.

"Watch where you're going." He says coldly and some reason, a little too quiet?

"H-here..." I said, reaching my hand out for him. Without looking at me, Levi grabs my hand, pulling himself up.

"There's your room. Dinner is in a half an hour. Don't be late." He says quickly and turns his back to me, walking into the darkness.

"W-wait... I still need that tour..." I said quietly but he was already gone.

'Was it my imagination or was the corporal.... blushing?' I thought to myself then shook my head from the thought.

'He's probably mad at me for being clumsy...' I thought, sighing then grabbing my bag which was on the floor and walk into my room.

* * *

'Where's am I?' I thought. Everything looks the same, the hallways the doors on each side of the walls.

||Levi Ackerman x Reader|| •OneShots•Where stories live. Discover now