|Levi x Assassin Reader| New Life

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A little gory(not really) but pretty crappy

{Published on} July 29th, 2016

{Word count} 2226

* *Modern AU* *

Your POV

In a middle of a forest, a tall prison looms over the trees, standing alone and detached from the world.

"P-please don't! S-spare me! I have a wife, a child! Just give me more time to give you the-"


I sigh, looking at my six inch hunting knife. It had teeth on the edge to do more damage, and its color was originally a shade of steel grey. But, with my job the knife was quickly stained crimson.

I stared down at the body of the man who tried to beg for his life. Begging will never work for me.

I slipped the blade back in my sheath of my boot, then grabbing out my old-fashion cellphone. I dialed a number I remembered from memory.

"Target is eliminated, send a van south of the gate of the forest in twenty-five minutes." I said, dropping the flip-phone and crushing it under my foot so the possibility of it falling out wouldn't happen.

Black, bullet-proof clothing made to protect me and to also camouflage in the night and shadows. Black leather gloves to never leave a trace of my fingers and combat boots that will never wear out.

'What life is this? I killed this man because the large money debt he was in.' I thought, I was only in this position of murdering people because I, too, was in debt. Luckily they found use of me, and I was eligible to live.

So far, this was the craziest assassinations ever. The target had a money loan that he needed to pay, he only had one chance and he blew it. So, my job was to eliminate him. But, his location was in a high facility prison, working as a simple guard.

I stared at the lifeless body before quickly running off, sneaking out of the building with stealth. Once when I was a good ten feet away from the building, high-pitch sirens and whirring triggered.

'Shit, they must've found the body....' I thought and sprinted deeper in the woods.

More shoutings came from the building, doors slamming open and barking of vicious-sounding dogs.

My lungs were burning as I kept forcing my legs to move with every step. I could hear the breathing and growls of the canines behind me.

"D-damn..." I mutter, collapsing as I felt a pair of jaws latching on my right leg. My eyes widen, falling face-plant in the dirt. I didn't need to look to know it was a damn mutt.


Not wanting to waste breath on cursing, I snatched my hunting knife out of its sheathe and puncturing down through the skull. I watch the life slip through the dogs eyes before its jaws limp open and its body falling to its side.

"Damn..." I mumble, looking at my leg. The bite mark was huge and deep, blood was slipping out at every second. If there's one dog. There's usually more, I learned that the hard way.

I stood up, trying to shrug away the pain but that never works out. I didn't bother retrieving my knife because behind me, I could hear more shouting and howls.

||Levi Ackerman x Reader|| •OneShots•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon