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{Published on} July 30th, 2016

{Word count} 1331

* *Modern AU* *

Third POV

Levi sighs, walking his way back home. It was nearly midnight, no one dared to try walking this late but everyone knew not to mess with the black-haired man.

No one even dared to even walk near him or talk to him unless it was important.

Levi was known for a cold, heartless, and rude man. Which was all true, except for being heartless.

Levi sighs as he was just a couple blocks from his house. When he finally arrive at his home he saw cat with h/c fur in front of his house beside the front gate. Levi bet it was starving since he could easily count it's ribs.

He sighs, walking past it as it meowed quietly while laying on the ground. Levi decided to ignore it, walking into his house, taking off his coat.

It was summer so even the nights were as warm as it could be. Levi walks to his window, opening it, feeling a draft entering.

Levi walks into his room, changing into a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He stretched, slowly crawling into his bed.

Once his eyelids were halfway close, slowly drifting to sleep, till a constant meowing.

"Doesn't that cat have a home to go to?-" Levi didn't finish his sentence. He remembered how the kitten was starving. He mumbles as he shuffles his feet to the kitchen, pouring some milk in a saucer.

He continues to mumble, placing his shoes on his feet then walking outside to the source of meows.

"Oi, shut up." Levi says, setting down the saucer in front of the h/c cat.

The cat looks up at Levi with its round e/c eyes. It stood up on its four feet, quickly lapping up the milk and rubs itself against Levi's leg.

"Oi, don't touch me with your dirty-" Levi stops in the middle of his sentence as the cat looks up at him, listening to him. He sighs, rubbing his temples.

"Aren't you scared of me?" Levi says to the little cat. The h/c cat gives out a small 'mew', licking his hand and continuing to purr. Levi gave one last try; glaring coldly at the cat. In response the cat only rubbed itself against his leg even more.

"One night. Then you're out of my life." Levi says, he looks up and sees that drops of rain were falling. He quickly picks up the cat and walks inside, closing the windows.


Levi sighs and looks back at the cat who was on his couch.

"Oh no you don't," he says, scooping the cat up and bringing if to the bathtub. It keeps meowing, pleading not to go in the bathtub full of water.

"Be grateful I let you stay in my house." Levi says, then setting the h/c cat down, touching the water...


Fog suddenly appear, blinding Levi's vision.

"What the-?!"

A large splash hits the water, making Levi soaking wet.

"How big is the cat?" he mutters to himself, then looking in the tub.

Instead of expecting a cat, it was a girl with h/c hair. She had s/c skin and e/c eyes. She wasn't a human either, she had a pair of cat ears and a tail.

||Levi Ackerman x Reader|| •OneShots•Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora