Part 1

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louis' pov

i sat im my father car on my way to my new school he moved us to doncaster because a alpha tried to mate with me almost raping me "louis" i look up at me dad "i know you may find your alpha today but before you do anything you bring him home to meet me and your mother this is a school that teaches you you to be a omega they will sing you a alpha so dont get scared ok" he said i nodded and smiled at him "yes dad" i say he smiled 

my dad walked me into the school people looked at us some looking at me with hungry eyes looking over me dad placed a hand on my back leading me into the office "hello how may i help you" a man asked smiling "hello im mark tomlinson and this is my son louis tomlinson its his first day here" dad said the man nodded and typed something up "so your home room is omega only you'll stay in the class for the hole day one or two classes the alphas will come into your class for learning and bonding time with their omegas" the guy said i nodded "do you know his alpha" dad asked "harlod styles but he likes to be called harry" dad nodded "ok i must go but ill see you at home louis" he said i looked at him with wide eyes he pulled me into a hug "you'll do fine clam down" he said i nodded and hugged him back pulling back he smiled and left "ill call a omega to come get you" the man said i nodded and sat down 

i didnt wait long soon a blonde walked in "hello mr. john you need me" he said sweetly "yes niall this is louis his new and is in your class will you show him to the class" he asked niall nodded and walked over taking my hand pulling me with him "your un-mated" he said i nodded "i can smell it on you most can" he said looking at the people who watched my every move "mm baby want to have some fun" a guy said pulling me to him i looked up at him with wide eyes trying to push him away "leave him josh" niall said "shut it horan" josh said and grabbed my ass "s-stop" i say punching his chest "WHAT IS GOING ON" someone yelled josh let me go i fell to the floor a tall strong man walked over a alpha he looked at me then josh who had wide eyes "mm josh" he asked crossing his arms "n-nothing harry" he said harry looked at me and put a hand out i took it and he helped me up i blushed and looked down "what did he do to you" he asked "h-he grabbed my bum and wouldn't let me go when i asked him to" i say looking down "get out of my site josh" harry said and he ran off "whats your name" he asked "louis tomlinson" i say "louis who's your alpha" he asked "mm" i say looking at the paper "h-harry styles" i say looking up at him "well thats me" he said i smiled "thank you" i say he nodded and took my hand niall walked over "louis class is going to start we need to go" he said and looked at harry "hi harry" he said harry smiled "hello niall where's liam" harry asked "doing a retest" he said and started walking i walked with harry holding onto his hand people looked at us harry stopped "oh so you all know put a hand on my omega and ill kill you" he said and we walked on i blushed and looked down 

i sat in my seat listening to the teacher talk about how to be a good omega for your alpha "and if a other alpha try's to get with you you tell your alpha and let them deal with it never try to handle it on your own" she said there was a knock on the door ms. gold opened the door "ah the alpha's" she said and they all walked in "harry are you going to sit this one out again" she asked "no i got my omega now" he said she smiled and nodded harry walked over and sat down nexts to me putting a arm around me people looked at us with wide eyes niall smiled as he was sat in a boys lap i leaned into harry "ok so were going to talk about mating" she said the male alpha teacher leaning on the white board watching us "so your all going to mate sometime in this year or next so already have" she said looking at niall and liam i giggled and harry looked at me smiling i smiled at him "styles tomlinson" the teacher called i blushed and looked at her the male teacher crossed his arms watching us "as i was saying you will mate well give you class rooms each to mate you must do it at school so if anything goes wrong we are here to help you" she said and looked around the room "any thing you want to add" she asked liam put his hand up "yes" she said "what will me and niall be doing when that happens" he asked "you cuz to get a room" she said he nodded and smiled at niall biting his neck "oi liam non of that" the male mr. james said "why not if your not getting any no one can" he asked making the omega's all giggle i giggled and hid my face in harry's chest "GET OUT NOW" he yelled liam sat there "now liam" he said "why should i" he asked smiling "im calling the head master" he said and went to the phone "i have mr. payne in the class not listening to what i am saying" he said "yes sir" he said and hung up "liam you can get your stuff and leave you have a week off school cuz this is your fourth time acting up" he said liam stood up looking down at niall "see you later" he said and kissed him walking out i looked at harry who looked at ms. gold "anyway when in this room you'll be alone and able to do anything you want before you mate" she said mr. james sat down and looked at mr. golds ass i giggled he looked at me i stopped and looked down leaning more into harry who held me rubbing me arm 

after class we walked into the hall harry pulled me to him pining my to the wall people looked at us i giggled and looked up at harry who leaned down kissing me i kissed him back pulling his body to mine he picked my one leg up holing it girding on me making me moan pulling at his hair making him moan in my mouth "OI STOP THAT" harry pulled back and looked at me before looking at the head master 

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