Part 12

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"and who are these little cuties" mrs. long asked smiling "this is samuel and benjamin" louis said smiling "and milo" sam said pointing to the baby mrs. long smiled "why dont we get you to into the class" mr. grey said harry kissed sam's cheek then louis leaned over sam pecking his lips "be good for them ok" louis said to the twins sam smiled and nodded harry sat him down sam ran into the class harry stood holding both twin's spider man backpacks "ok baby time for school" louis said trying to get ben off him "n-no" the boy said crying the other dads and mums gave then a small smile "ben please" louis said ben shook his head harry helped get the boy off him ben let out a sob "your ok baby" harry said kissing his cheek "it will be over in no time" louis said kissing his cheek two times smiling mrs. long walked to them "you want to be my helper for the day" she asked ben nodded she picked him up he rubbed his eyes "bye baby" louis said smiling mr. grey took their bags hanging them up "b-bye d-daddy b-bye pa-papa" he said they smiled and left louis pushing milo this time 

once they got to the school their was mums and dads stood in the halls of the school waiting for their kids they heard screaming and crying from inside the room harry held milo this time the omegas smiled at the two father and son the door opened "you cant leave yet" mrs. long said as ben ran out right to louis who dropped to his knees hugging his sobbing son "hey baby boy" louis said standing up holding ben sam ran out mr. grey after him "P-PAPA" sam screamed crying louis took milo holding both omegas "what happened baby" harry asked everyone watched them "h-he hit us" sam said hiding his face in his papa's neck harry sat sam down "stay with your daddy" harry said sam gripped onto louis' leg more kids came out running the alphas of the crying kids walked to mr. grey "get in the class" harry said then looked at louis "go wait in the car" louis nodded and took the kids to the car doing milo in then helped ben and sam with the seat belt "thanks daddy" they said louis smiled and kissed their four heads smiling   "your welcome babies" he said then closed the door getting into the front seat smiling at his boys more omegas walked out with their kids still crying soon the alphas walked out "i want to home school the boys" harry said getting in "ok ill teach them we can start are own little school me and niall can be the teachers" louis said harry smiled "ok ill get everything we need to start this up" harry said driving home louis texted niall about the plan 

"bath then jammies then we can watch a  movie" louis said picking up the twins harry getting milo louis carried the twins into the bathroom he sat them down and took milo letting harry full the baby bath for milo up before handing the baby back going to the twins taking off their tops "h-harry" louis said the boys had a bruise on their chest and tummy "its ok lou" harry said un-dressing milo louis nodded and helped the boys with their zipper and button letting them take of their pants and matching little batman boxers before lifting one by one into the tub 

"bath then jammies then we can watch a  movie" louis said picking up the twins harry getting milo louis carried the twins into the bathroom he sat them down and took milo letting harry full the baby bath for milo up before handing the baby back go...

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"movie time" louis said after making sure the twins put on boxers ben held his arms up louis grabbed his red blanket wrapping it around him before picking him up sam walked out with his blanket wrapped around him milo wrapped in his blanket that is smaller then the twins harry picked him up "i think its right to bed for this one" harry said looking at the pasted out baby in his arms louis smiled placing a kiss to the baby's forehead "me to" ben said louis let him kiss milo's cheek 

~ two weeks later ~

"ok niall is everything set up" louis asked ben sam dustin and destiny were watching cartoons has niall and louis make sure the house is ready for the kids they are going to teach "yep i got the chairs and tables set up in the kitchen then the napping beds set out in the living room the bathroom has nappies wipes and a step stool so they can wash their hands" niall said smiling "and lunch is in the oven keeping warm" he added louis smiled "ok kiddies no more tv school time" louis said turning off the tv the kids pouted "dont give me that look now come on" louis said picking up ben destiny grabbed his hand he smiled the two alphas walked out of the living room before them niall got them seated at the alphas table mark the pack leader said it has to be only alpha tables and only omegas tables when destiny sat down the door bell went off louis sat ben down then went to the door opening it to see a omega holding a boy who was blushing a alpha behide them "hi welcome please come in" louis said letting them in the alpha looked around "may i have a look around" he asked louis nodded "yes" louis said the alpha walked off "he just wants to make sure its safe for justin" the omega said rubbing the boys back "ok i need name and o or a" louis said looking at the name roll on the wall pen in hand "justin well-ton and he's a omega" she said louis checked his name off "ok you can set him with my son ben and the other teacher niall's little girl destiny at the omega table" louis said she nodded and went to set him down justin help onto his mum "n-no mummy" he said crying louis gave a small smile the alpha walked back "he's good here" he said louis smiled niall went to the door taking the names and A or O then let them sit down "baby please" he mum said justin shook his head "he still shook up about the school thing" the alpha said louis nodded "its ok" louis said ben got up and walked to his daddy "d-daddy why is that boy crying" ben asked louis picked him up "well ben i think he's scared to be at school remember how you got scared" louis asked justin looked at the two "yeah" ben said nodding "and remember like i promised id be right back when school is done" louis asked justin sat up a bit in his mum's arms "yep and you kept that promise" ben said smiling "w-will you promise" justin asked his mum and dad they both nodded "we will be right back here when its over" justin nodded his mum sat him down louis sat ben down "you can help me color" ben said taking his hand they ran over to the table and started coloring "thank you" "no problem we'll see you after school" louis said smiling they smiled and left "were just waiting on one more kid" niall said louis nodded and walked around "TEACHER" a little girl yelled louis walked over "yes sweetie" he asked smiling "he took my blue maker" she said pouting to a alpha who sat back down at his table "ill get you a new one" louis said getting up walking to the maker bin grabbing a blue one going back to the little girl giving it to her "thank you" she said he smiled and got up  

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