Part 25

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"Zara baby" Ben called going into her room she was in her bed holding her bunny tears falling it was 3 am and the thunder and lightning made the power go out Ben went to his baby picking her up then went to his room lighting some candles "it's ok baby" Ben said rocking the two year old he had locked his bedroom door his house has a home security system that kept the door lock he wrapped Zara in a blanket

It's was 6:39 when a loud bang was hard from down stairs Ben jumped and grabbed his phone calling his dad and papa "hello" harry asked "papa I think someone's in my house" Ben whispered "ok keep the door locked I'll be right there" harry said and hung up Ben got up and carried a sleeping Zara into the bathroom he sat on the floor holding Zara close she moved and started crying "hey hey" Ben said she looked up at him he heard another bang like someone was kicking doors open Ben looked at Zara who had wide eyes tears falling "don't cry grandpa is on his way" Ben whispered "OH BEN" Ben started shaking hearing hunter call for him "Zara baby papas home" hunter called Zara looked at Ben "no baby don't speak" Ben said covering her ears kissing her four head a knock at the bed room door sounded Ben got up and went to the bathroom window seeing cop lights and his fathers and siblings running to his house he waved his hands out the window Zara on the floor by his feet "oh benny I know your in the washroom with Zara" hunter said walking to the door Ben wiped his eyes he rubbed his six month belly "stay in baby" he whispered then picked up Zara "Ben" harry yelled Ben looked out the window "hand me Zara" a cop said Ben held her outside the window "bring her back in" Ben felt a gun pressed to his head Ben slowly pulled Zara into the house the baby looked at her daddy and papa "let's go for a walk to the upstairs family room" hunter said Ben nodded and led the way holding Zara on his hip he heard his papa and dad yelling to him "set Zara in the play pen then go stand in front of the window" hunter said Ben sat Zara down "it's ok baby play with your toys" Zara nodded and grabbed her dolls sitting down Ben sighed going in front of the window

"Over there" kenth said pointing to his older brother who had tears falling hunter stood pressed up behide him gun to his head destiny had sam drive the van over with blankets and pillows she loaded the kids in the van to keep them out of the rain destiny and sam taking care of the babies as the adults try to help with Ben

"Don't move" hunter told Ben who nodded

"It's been a hour get in there" Louis cried "sir he has a pregnant omega and a baby we can't just go in the alpha could shot them" the cop said Louis was getting mad he went to hit the cop harry grabbed him "why don't you go see if destiny needs help" harry said Louis nodded and left going to his babies

Ben was changing Zara hunter at the window Ben looked to the hall to see five cops one held his finger to his lips Ben nodded and went back to Zara picking her up he slowly walked into the hallway a gun shot was fired to the wall by his head a cop grabbed the two omegas pulling them into a closet as gun shots went off Zara screaming and crying Ben bounced her kissing her cheeks the cop stood in front of them Ben heard a gun shot and a body hit the floor he started getting dizzy the cop looked at him as he fell the cop grabbed Zara then called for help on his walkie

Louis had stood over Ben pushing his hair back "daddy" Zara said as harry brought her in "there you go love" harry said placing her on her daddy's bed she grabbed bens hand and played with his fingers "baby" Zara asked Louis looked at harry who sighed "it's ok" harry said Zara nodded

"You need to wake up Zara needs her father" sam said stood with destiny "fuck off" Ben mumbled groaning in pain destiny went and got a nurse Ben put his hands on his tummy then shot right up looking around sam pushed him back down "my baby where's my baby" Ben asked crying "mr. Styles" the doctor said coming in side "when you were taken in your were 6 months pregnant the stress of the shot out made you go into labour 3 months early" the doctor said "your baby is good she's in icu I can take you to see her if you would like" Ben nodded Louis ran in with harry going right to Ben Louis kissed his cheek over and over "oh thank god" Louis said Ben smiled at him "I'm going to see my baby" Ben said harry helped him into a wheelchair Louis pushing him following the doctor many alphas betas and omegas smiled at him many have heard his family talking about him and what happened "I'm going to need a name for your baby" a nurse said "uh jayla Payton styles" ben said Louis smiled as they went into the room a nurse was checking on the baby Ben started crying seeing the small baby in a incubator Ben stood up and looked at the baby "me and your papa but a picture of you and Zara for her" Louis said pointing to the picture Ben smiled "would you like to hold her" Ben nodded taking a seat in the rocking chair the nurse handed him gloves and a mask Ben put it on the had his daughter on his arms he smiled looking at her "she will be slowly then most kids her brain isn't fully functioning the side affects of that will be she may never walk and she won't talk and if she does it will be very slow and she will have a stutter but there's a 25% chance she'll beat the odds and be able to talk talk do anything" the doctor said Ben nodded rubbing his finger on her cheek she looked at him she had grey eyes already "it's rare for a baby to be born with their eye colour but she is special" a nurse said Ben smiled "where's Zara" Ben asked "with Sammy and destiny in the waiting room Niall and Liam took your siblings to get dinner" harry said Ben nodded "we are going to keep her for a few days and if that goes well you'll take her home but she will have a monthly check up" the doctor said Ben nodded the baby started crying "she's hungry" Ben said the nurse gave him a bottle Ben fed her smiling

Ben took her room one week later he moved back in with his dad and papa harry and Louis talking about making them a new house closer to them "how is she" louis asked as Ben carried jayla into the kitchen "she's good" Ben said laying her in her bouncer on the counter and helping his dad with cooking harry came in Isaac on his back Zara sitting on his foot both gigging harry smiled "good morning" harry said going to jayla and rubbing her cheek making the baby look at him with wide eyes "hello princess" harry said before setting the kids down harry set up the table smiling

"Dad" Ben said "yes baby" Louis said he was eating his food "in you know how if things don't work out with your first mate then you get a new one well I've been out with the girls and I found my mate" Ben said harry looked at him "and who is that" harry asked walking over to them "it's Dustin" Ben said "you mean the one who tried to force him self onto you" harry asked "well we talked it over and he was drugged his friends drugged him" Ben said "he did seem off" Louis said harry sighed "does Liam and Niall know" Louis asked Ben nodded "yeah and Dustin said he'd be there for the girls and we are courting" Ben said playing with his fingers

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