Part 27

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Louis and Ben stood with the babies watching the others go on the huge roller coaster "how are you and Dustin" Louis asked rocking the stroller Ben smiled "he is amazing. He is so caring he looks after the girls when I'm doing something and he will take the time to talk to me and ask me if I need help or need anything" Louis smiled watching his second oldest fond over his mate "sounds like your in love" Ben smiled "he Proposed to me" Ben said Louis went to Ben looking at his hand then hugging him Ben hugged back smiling "I'm so happy for you" Louis said and kissed his cheek like started screaming and crying ben went to his son and picked him up "hey baby it's ok" Ben said rocking him "are you hungry" Ben asked putting his finger to his mouth luke sucked on his finger eyes closing Ben moved his finger away and grabbed the feeding blanket putting it on the lefting his top up putting the boy to his nipple like latched on sucking the group came back smiling Dustin going to Ben smiling "you would have loved the ride" he said harry came over with Zara, Jason, jasmine, Isaac, and jayla harry had taken them to the baby boats Dustin smiled hand going under the blanket to rub Luke's back Ben smiled feeling the baby kick his legs when he felt his papas arms Dustin leaned down and kissed Ben who smiled into it "ok" harry said still don't used to his baby with a alpha Ben giggled Dustin pushing the stroller for Ben as they walked to the nexts ride "are you guys ok watching the littles" sam asked seeing the nexts huge ride Louis nodded picking up jayla smiling Ben sat on a bench Jason jasmine and Zara running over to him as he burped Ben

On the way home all the kids slept they had to pull over three times for the babies to be fed and for washroom and snack breaks Ben was tried his nipples sore so Dustin held him rubbing his tummy to help him sleep Louis smiled at the two


So that was a cute short ending. I think I'm going to stop this book for real this time. thank you all for reading much love alyssa 

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